:D :D :D :? :/ :| -_-

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In Science, we had to do this little reaction test thing where we dropped a meter stick and record how fast our partner caught it. My partner was Jamien. 

 Jamien: Ok and now!


Me: You're not suppose to tell me when to drop it.

Jamien: IDC! :D :D :D :D :D 

Me: >:3 (I won't do it for a long time BWAHAHHAHAHAHA) 

Jamien: :D :D :D :D ...um... :D

Me: ...

Jamien: :?


Jamien: :/ :| 

Me: :3 

Jamien: -__-

Me: :3 


Me: *drops stick*

Jamien: GOT IT! Now what did I land on?

Me: >:3 26

Jamien: And what's your highest? 

Me: 19

Jamien: ;-;

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