Sunday School Skit {100th Story Special!}

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Remember the camp from before that I talked about? Well here's another story from there! :D because I can and need a hilarious story for the 100th story.
So, it was one of the last few nights at camp and all the groups had skit night, where we had to preform a skit. So, this was my group (St.Helen)'s skit.
Everyone is talking until the teacher comes in. "Hello class!" She says, "welcome to Sunday School!" She examines the class then says: "Now, stand up and say the prayer." The , a girl walks in. "Oh, sorry am I late?" She asks. "Yes," the teacher says, "we're about to say the prayer." "Can I come in?" "No, you just wait outside and at the prayer by yourself." So she walks out and everyone else stands up and say the prayer. When the class finished, they sit back down. "Now," the teacher says, "I'm going to start by..." A loud snore is heard from Pookie, a boy played by a girl (we are all girls :3 ). The teacher walks over to him and claps her hands loudly in front of him, yelling: "WAKE UP POOKIE!!! He wakes up instantly. "So," the teacher says, "let's play a..." The girl from earlier walks in. "Are you done?" She asks. "Yes, we're done," the teacher says, "now go sit down." As the girl sits down, another girl stands up and walks over to her. Both girls begin to scream and start jumping all over the place. "OH MY GOSH!" "It's been right hours since I last saw you!" "Let's take a selfie!" The teacher walks over to them and says "oh my gosh! Guess what?" "What?" Both girls ask. "Sit down!" The teacher squeals. "Wait what?" They say in unison. "Go sit down!" "I don't understand," they say as the teacher leads them so their seats. "Just sit down." Then, she said:"Let's play a game. I'm going to quote a line from the Bible and you are going to say the reference." The smart girl sits up and pays attention. "First one," the teacher says," for God so..." The smart girls's hand shoots up into the air. "Yes, Gigi?" "John 3:16!" Gigi says. The teacher smiles. "Good Gigi! Let's try another!" So the teacher quoted another line. "Remember, never to fear the power of evil more than..." Gigi's hand comes up again. The teacher ignores her. "Your trust in the power and love of God." Another student raised her hand. The teacher smiles. "Yes, Anastasia?" "I need to go to the bathroom," she was. The teacher frowned. "Down the hall, to the left." Anastasia leaves. Soon, there is a knock at the teacher's door. "Class," the teacher says, "I have to get this. I don't want to hear a 'peep' out of you!" Then she leaves and immediately, the class explodes with "peeps". Shortly after, the teacher stomps into the room and the class goes silent. "That was more than one peep!" She yells. She cools down. "Okay, let's continue with our game." She begins to quote another line."With all your heart, you must trust The Lord and not your own judgement." Gigi (of course) raises her hand. "Let's pick someone else," the teacher says. She looks at Nico, who was on his phone. "Nico! How about you answer." The girl beside him began to cheer for him. "Come on Nico you can do it!" Nico stands up and says, "from the Bible,duh!" Nico's friend, John, stands up and they both do a bro hug. Then, a girl named Wendy raised her hand. "Yes, Wendy?" "You know when Jesus and his disciples broke bread and drank wine?" She asked. The teacher nodded. "Was that,like, ancient Coffee Hour!" The teacher face planed herself. "No!" John said, "it was Coco Cola Time!" "Gosh Karen," someone said, "why are you so stupid?" "She doesn't even go here!" Another person called out. "Oh why does this always happen to me?" Wendy cried. Then the bell rang and the teacher sighed. "Well, that was, I guess the first Sunday school together and we learned NOTHING! Class dismissed!"

Background information: Coco Cola Time was when two groups from camp went over to the Archbishop's place and talked to him and had Coco Cola :D .

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