Death By Cars

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In Health, there was this boy named Nathan who asked Coach Jevlin a question. He asked: "Can you die from staying in a car too long?" So, Coach Jevlin explained that if he was in a closed area like a garage, then yes. But if he was in a parking lot, then no. However, Nathan was talking to Eaton to notice! So Coach Jevlin complained and told him that he was answering his question but he wouldn't listen. Then, Nathan asked the question AGAIN! So Coach Jevlin explained... AGAIN. He said that since your car isn't air tight, you could die. Then Matt said that cars WERE air tight. "NO THEY'RE NOT!" Coach Jevlin exclaimed. "Foreign cars are air tight," Matt said. "WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FOREIGN CARS AND AMERICAN CARS???!!" "HONDA IS A FOREIGN CAR!" Someone shouted. However, Matt kept saying that cars were air tight until Coach Jevlin finally dropped the subject.

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