Play Madness

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 During rehearsals for our school play "Once Upon A Playground", people were joking around at how they ship a ship called Kames (Which is a ship for Jamien and Kylie). Then, Mr.Sonic turns around from his desk and looks at James. He smiles and says "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWE". It has been confirmed. HE SHIPS KAMES.

 Then, Forda wasn't at rehearsals so Bella or I had to play her part today. We didn't know who so Jamien began to do ennie Minnie minny mo. But, Mr.Sonic interrupted him saying "There is only one way to solve this...Rock,paper,scissors best 2 out of 3." Bella walked over to me and was like "Alright!" So, we did it, first was a tie, the next one I won. Jamien was watching and when I put out a paper, he began saying "JOANNA! YOU CHEATED! YOU CHANGED YOUR THING FROM A ROCK!!" I was just about to die from laughter so this didn't help. Then, I won, but I didn't want to play her because I feel uncomfortable when her character speaks. So, Bella played her part.

 Finally, we were at the scene where Jamien's character came in. He was suppose to wobble on a block and then Laila was suppose to say "Don't fall, Georgie." "Aww...who me? No!" He turned to the "audience" and began to tell a story, with his leg still wobbling. Then, he began to fall. Quickly, Bella, another girl and I grabbed him before he could fall. Then, we could see Mr.Sonic in the back ground laughing his head off. That is when we all erupted in laughter.

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