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So, we were talking about Artaud in Theatre Arts and our groups had to use his style in fairy tales. Swifty's group did Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. The scene started out with Swifty getting a tour of this research facility when his tour guide showed them the two dwarves they locked up. The tour guide left Swifty alone with them when suddenly, DJ began to flicker the lights. The dwarves attacked Swifty then began yelling and crawling into the crowd. There was a lot of screaming, especially from the girl behind me, and I could barely make out the shapes of the people playing the dwarves. Finally, Mr.Sonic said that was enough.

One year later, the new seventh graders are learning about him. One kid asks why they couldn't do Artaud's style. "Because," Mr.Sonic said, "if I did, then there would be a lot of screaming and lights flickering."

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