Before and During the PTO Meeting

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Mr.Sonic had bought us all pizza :3 and yeah we ate it all. Then, we moved our stuff to the gym where we found the door locked until Mr.Sonic somehow got inside and opened the door. Then everyone, but me and the boys, went to put makeup on and it was very very very very awkward. The boys were just talking and then there was me, standing around doing nothing. Soon, we began to play Oreo and then Duck, duck, goose. Soon, Bear came in with her chorus shirt on and we all went into Mr.Sonic's room. Then, I did the impossible and forbidden thing. I say in his chair >:)
People soon began to come in, so Bella and I began to handout programs for our play. We decided who was going to give a program to a certain teacher. I called Mrs.dieDeutschLehrerin , Ms.Waltz, Coach Jevlin and Mr.Elchichoespañol while Bella called Mrs.Bonita, Mrs.Barns and Mrs.Gaston. It kinda failed. Mrs.dieDeutschLehrerin and Coach Jevlin never came, I DID give Ms.Waltz a program, Mr.Elchicoespañol took one from Bella, I gave a program to Mrs.Bonita and Mrs.Gason and Mrs.Barns came after we stopped giving out programs. I was always eager to give someone a program and when a door opened, I whipped out a program. One time, Mr.Sonic came in and I almost hit him in the face with a program.
During the Chorus performance, they had to wave around a streamer. So, before the PTO meeting started, Bella and I ran over to join our group and we began to joke about Jamien holding one. "I wonder what he'll say when waving it around," someone said. "I'll know what he'll say!" I said. "He'll say FRIENDSHIP! Or LOVE! Or GOODWILL TOWARDS ALL!" I said those while waving my arm around to represent him waving the streamer.
Then the show started and we preformed our school play "Once Upon A Playground." It went well and then Phat Pheet came on. Finally, Chorus came. On their last song, the Evaluation of Dance, us play kids noticed something. Mrs.Pope, Mrs.Gason and Ms.Waltz was dancing! They were dancing to all the songs: YMCA, Thriller, Walk like an Egyptian, and several others. Even Mrs.Barn was dancing to YMCA!

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