The Brave/Dumb student and Mr.Elchicoespañol *Reupload*

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To be honest, I have never been to the Spanish classroom in my school. I take German so there is no need for me to go in there for class. I mean, I've been in there ONCE but that was when the teacher wasn't there, there was a sub, and most of the Spanish kids were on a field trip. That doesn't count, right? Anywhozers, onto the story!

There was a boy named Ryan and he took Spanish. At the time, there was a rumor going around the school that the Spanish teacher, Mr.Elchicoespañol (Mr. The Spanish Guy xP ) was a perv! And this boy, Ryan, is probably the bravest or stupidist person ever to do this. He actually went up to Mr.Elchicoespañol and called him a pervert. Well, Mr.Elchicoespañol didn't know what that meant so he asked some kids what it meant. They told him that it meant "Good Teacher" and he believed them so he told Ryan "thank you."

About twelve weeks later, Mr.Elchicoespañol decided to FINALLY look it up. Well, I imagine that he was pretty angry when he found out what it meant. BWAHAHAHHAHA! When he had Ryan in his class, he began to fuss at him a lot, (hehehe...of course :P)

Supposedly he called Ryan a perv because he's always "flirting with the ladies". Or was that someone else? \(>__<)/

 Also, I had to reupload this because I was a stupid and put this on private and couldn't make it public. Dangit!!!!

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