Temporary ID Incident :(

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I forgot to wear my ID in the first quarter so I asked Mrs.Gason if I could get a temporary. The thing is, she doesn't write you up if you don't have it so I thought I was in the clear. Well.....SHE HAD NONE LEFT. So I was sent to Mrs.Barn's classroom to get one but she just HAD TO BE IN THE BATHROOM. So, I waited awkwardly outside for her until she came back. I attempted to tell her that I needed an ID but I was already flipping out on the inside because all the teachers was outside in the hallway watching. Except for Mr.Sonic who was In his classroom MILES away (not really miles). Then, Mrs.Gason called out to Mrs.Barn "CAN YOU GET HER A TEMPORARY ID? I DON'T HAVE ANYMORE." That definitely brought all the teacher's attention to me. Especially, Mr.Elchicoespañol (who, at the time, was scared of him AF. Now is just ehhhhhh). Basically, when I saw him looking at me my heart began to race. I couldn't pay attention at all to what Mrs.Barn was telling me. I just wanted to get out of there. Then, Mrs.Barn led me inside to get a temporary ID. I was so happy! I forgot though that she writes you up. So, in the middle of PE, I was confused why I needed to go to the office. Then I found out why and I was pi**ed. Because of this incident, I couldn't go to the No Write Ups dance. DARN YOU PAST SELF'S FORGETFULNESS!!!!

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