Chapter I

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3rd Person POV:

The trees sway as the wind blows it's leaves off its wooden arms. The sun shines through the leaves still on the trees as it places a canopy of green hews on a black haired beauty with blueish green eyes that shift from color to the other in the sunlight. His beauty is hidden away by a fabric cover given to him as a family heirloom from herbalist to herbalist. Kneeling in the grass, the 18 year old man moves some of the vegetation around that has grown by a tree.

"Last year, there was a whole bunch of it here.." he whispers as he continues to look. After moving some beautiful white flowers to the side, he grins softly as he picks a small hand full of a plant that many would think is a weed. He places it in a small woven holder and closes it shut with a lid and pin. He grabs his journal and checks off the final herb he needed to collect this morning.

"There, done. Now to head back and open up shop." He tells himself as he stands up and places all of his materials in his saddle bag. He begins to run in the forest with the morning sun hitting his chest and legs. His boots hitting the ground as he runs out of the forest and reveals himself on top of a small hill. The wind fully takes his clothed hood off and the man shows his beauty to the morn. He can only smile at the view of the village from his distance. Not far from the village lays the palace of his home country where the first born spoiled brat prince lives. Yuji Terushima. The king let's his son do as he pleases and if that means to be a damn idiot and brat about everything, so be it. The man is mostly wine and women and men. Rumor has it, he actually throws a tantrum if doesn't get what he wants. Well, those rumors are more of fact than rumor.

He finishes taking in the view and begins running down the small hill with his smile growing only bigger. Akaashi Keiji, a young man who's life is simple and perfect in his own way. Every morning, he wakes up and checks his stock on the herbs at his small family pharmacy. Most of the time, he's low on a few from using them the day prior, so he picks some new herbs when they are at their most potent: morning. Once he has collected them, he takes them back and prepares them for use. He opens up shop and handles any patient that needs a remedy along with making any monthly needed ones for his regulars.

Akaashi walks down the stoned path to his small cozy pharmacy and walks in. He begins his morning routine and by 8:00, he opens up. Slowly, it fill with regulars and a few new ones. One by one, he takes care of each one and their needs along with making a batch for their pain or sickness for at least a month or the needed treatment time.

"My my, Keiji. You have taken this place and fill it with smiles and warmth. You have turned into a very fine young herbalist." Mrs. Ito says as she sits in one of the chairs in the front. Akaashi is behind the desk working on her needed remedy for her back and chest pains.

"Well it's only because you all supported my grandparents. If you didn't, starting off as an herbalist would have been quite difficult ma'am." He says as he weighs the needed amount of a certain ingredient on a balance weight.

"Your grandparents! Oh they must be so proud! If only they could tell you themselves." Mrs. Ito explains as she begins to softly weep. She had known them very well and the old madam was remembering the good times.

"Oh Mrs. Ito, please don't cry." Akaashi ask as Mrs. Ito excuses herself from the shop because she "forgot to turn the burner off."

'What a kind yet strange elder woman.' Akaashi thinks to himself as he continues to finish her remedy for next time. The bell above the door to the entrance rings, signaling someone had entered.

With his back to the door Akaashi asks, "Did you forget something Mrs. Ito?" The old lady was known to forget small things in the pharmacy like her eyeglasses or even her medicine batch.

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