Author's Note

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THIS LAST CHAPTER TOOK ABOUT 2 MONTHS! It wasn't supposed to be that much. Well, I feel I deserve you all an explanation for why it took so long to get out.

When I started writing the chapter, I was doing both Cross Country and Volleyball. Well, so much shit went down and I was severely neglected on the Volleyball team. No one remembered that I was on the team because I had a concussion and couldn't play. They had no jersey for me or anything. So I quit what I worked so hard for. But I dedicated my time to XC instead.

Now something worse happened with me and my boyfriend. The situation has been handled but... My boyfriend sexually assaulted me. I won't say much but yeah. I felt useless and couldn't write.

Today I finished my last XC meet with a 25 minute time for a 5k and I finished writing the chapter.

But a lot of things happened in between all of this time including right now. One of my family cats passed away and for some reason I only cried a little. I'm sad but I can't cry. My ankle is sprained but I can't do much either.

Either way, I'd like to thank you all for your great support in this book. I loved writing it and am planning on writing an OC Novel about my OCS and my friend's. Be on the look out for it. Along with a New Bokuaka Novel that I will be calling "Trust Me?"

Until next time beautifuls, Love ya and thank you for your undying support! 🥰

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