Chapter XXI

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3rd Person POV:

A statue. That could be the perfect word to describe Akaashi Keiji, beautiful but cold. Akaashi hadn't moved from his bed once since he received the news. For two weeks now, he's laid on his bed and would stare off into the distance. The only other time Akaashi would move was when he had to care for Hoshi. Hinata would bring some goats milk and Akaashi would place a drops in Hoshi's mouth slowly. He would then rock him or hold him until the young prince fell asleep. As for himself, Akaashi rarely ate. He would nibble at a piece of the bread and nothing else.

When Iwazumi asked him why he wasn't eating, the ravennette just said, 'I'm not hungry.' Iwazumi got mad that he wasn't eating and tried to force him but it ended up with Akaashi vomiting. Iwazumi believed him after that but worried for his health. Instead, he brought him teas to help him regain his strength. Other than that, there was nothing that could be done.

After he told Iwazumi of his nonexistent hunger, Akaashi wouldn't speak because of his fallen love. His eyes still sparkle their blue and green hues but at the same time, his eyes are nothing more then a deep dark ocean.

Akaashi sits on his white cushion bed while holding his young son and eyes Bokuto's sword that lays in the corner of the room. He remembers how on his breaks from his apprenticeship, Akaashi would go out to the training grounds and watch his prince spar against Kuroo, Kenma, or even Lord Ushijima or Tendo. Surprisingly, Bokuto claimed he always lost against Kenma, but whenever Akaashi went to spectate, Bokuto always won. At the time, Akaashi never knew why this happened but after getting together about a week or two later, Akaashi learned that Bokuto always wanted to impress him with his skills. It was with that sword that Bokuto tried to win the herbalist's heart and is with another sword that took Bokuto away.

On the outside, Akaashi seemed to be in morn and grief but deep down, tucked away in his heart, the young man felt anger and hate. His blood soon would boil slightly from how someone took the love of his life away.

Kenma knocked on the door softly and entered with a small tray of two cups with warm tea. Hinata and Oikawa turn to the partial blonde in confusion as he's not known for doing anything of the sorts. Bringing tea was not something he would usually choose to do, especially because he couldn't face Akaashi.

"May I be alone with Akaashi..?" Kenma asks softly as the two guards turn to their master, who nods with his back to Kenma. With Akaashi's confirmation, the two leave Kenma and the sorrowful alone.

"I, uh.. I brought you some tea. Iwazumi said you like Earl Gray Milk Tea." Kenma states as he places the tea at Akaashi's desk. He moves a chair over to sit in front of Akaashi but still at a small distance way from him. Kenma hands him a tea cup to which Akaashi holds with one hand, the other holding his child. Akaashi nods in a thank you and gently takes a sip. Hoshi softly sleeps in his arms, leading Akaashi to place him in his bassinet.

"I hear the Fukurodani forces are going to be heading to the Johzenji Capital in a week. Prince Kei will be leading them. The troops are furious about Bokuto's death and that empowers them. I have to head back tomorrow morning." Kenma makes known and Akaashi stares up at Kenma. Kenma was having to leave but not Kuroo? The catlike boy can see his confusion and begins to explain.

"I used the excuse that Kuroo was injured severely and he needed to be relieved from duty. So they sent me back with others who were relieved as well. However, I only suffer from some cuts here and there so I need to return to the front lines." Kenma says as Akaashi looks at him with concern.

"Promise me though, you'll keep Kuroo safe. Don't have him do something reckless. Keep his feet on the ground for me." Kenma states. He wants and needs Akaashi to do this for his sake.

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