Chapter XIII

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3rd Person POV:

As the clock tics slowly, everyone at the garden podium wonders where the bird is. All the herbalist even got curious and came down to watch.

"Only 3 minutes left." Kuroo whispers while looking up, trying to find the bird.

"And the bird isn't anywhere in sight.." Kenma whispers back. Soon, the reporters begin whispering, saying things like, 'This test is sure to fail now,' or 'To make a bird fly and come back with just a whistle is impossible,'.

Sugawara looks at his whistle with worry and try's to listen for the sound of his trusted bird. Bokuto gets ticked and pulls his sword, with its sleeve, down and onto the stone of the podium. The sound echos through that crowd. "Quiet. I can't hear the wings." Bokuto orders as everyone falls quiet.

1 minute remains and when all seems to lost, the squawk of the bird is heard softly. Sugawara raises his whistle to his lips and let's out a long sound, directing Ennoshita where to land and to make it fast. The raven dives down and onto Sugawara's forearm with his wings extended as the minute hand ticks to the 25 minute mark.

"You did it. Good job Ennoshita." Sugawara whispers as he pets his head. He shows Bokuto the attached bell and small tube that holds the signed papers. Ushijima takes them gently off and pulls two pieces of paper out of the tube. On the first on holds the signatures of Akaashi Keiji, Oikawa Toru, and a messy one of Viscout Daisho.

"I have confirmed that each signature is genuine. I see no fault besides as messy penmanship from Viscount Daisho." Lord Ushijima announces as Bokuto smiles and declares the following,

"The birds and their handlers of the Kingdom of Karasuno will be used by the Kingdom of Fukurodani by means of communication and shall be protected by the crown. If anyone dares to hunt them or harm them, they will hold trial."

Ushijima proceeds to look at the second paper and is taken back. He hands it to Bokuto, who reads it and grips it tightly. "Kuroo, Kenma, prepare the horses. Chief Iwazumi, you're coming with me." All three agree and head to the stables in a rush and Iwazumi grabs his bag.

The Viscount Daisho tried to sabotage the test. He's been arrested. Unfortunately, the assistant was injured and is in severe pain. He requests for Iwazumi.

"Please just hold on a bit longer, Keiji." Bokuto whispers as he tries to make his horse go faster. The second group sees the river and soon the watch tower. Hinata, Kageyama, and an arrested Daisho, can be seen outside. They dismount their horses and Bokuto and Iwazumi run to the two guards.

"Where's Keiji?!" Bokuto asks in worry.

"He's resting upstairs however he only wants Chief Iwazumi up there." Hinata says. Iwazumi agrees and runs up the stairs.

"Wait why?!" Bokuto yells in confusion. His lover is in pain and he can't see him?

"Bo-Chan! He said he only wants Iwazumi. He has his reasons and he needs to be cared for and not have to worry about your antics." Oikawa says as he walks down with stern in his voice.

Bokuto grunts and then asks what happened that led to this. "The viscount wanted to make the test failed and tried to bribe Sir. Akaashi into throwing the test off with social status. When he refused, the viscount thew the bell into the river and pushed Sir. Akaashi into the room and locked it. Sir. Akaashi then went on to say how he must do the right thing no matter what the cost is and about true character. He then um, jumped from the top window of the watch tower and into the river to find the bell. He found it after a while and it made the test run later than expected. The bird had to wait before sending it off. Soon after signing the paper, Sir. Akaashi began feeling severe abdominal pain." Said Kageyama as he continues to try and remember each event and explain it correctly.

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