Chapter XIX

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3rd Person POV:

The hooves of the horses hit the ground softly as the wheels of the wagons roll against the grass. Bokuto, Kenma, and the main leaders from other troops, lead a large group of men across the valley and towards the mountains on the edge of Fukurodani lines that cross over into Johzenji. The mountains surround a large section of the apposing kingdom, making it hard for outsiders to deal with.

With an infiltrator in Johzenji, the other's know that this is their best chance to strike. Bokuto and Kenma found out, while on the road, that Kuroo was be sentenced to death by hanging in 3 days time and that their ally would help Kuroo escape. With only a day left, the stakes are high. Everyone knows that this could very much be a trap but what other choice did they have? Kuroo was a glue to everything. Bokuto's best friend, Kenma's lover, and the Captain leader of troop T3. Even if Kuroo wasn't captured, this attack would still be necessary.

If Fukurodani won this battle in the mountains, they would take the natural barrier around Johzenji, making attacking the main capital easier and vulnerable. Although the Capital of Fukurodani has been attacked, Johzenji has never taken the castle. Why? Because Fukurodani still defends their royal throne, unlike Johzenji, that relies on the mountains as protection; believing that they are naturally impenetrable. With the cold against hitting face and the candle lit color cape draped over his shoulders, The Second Prince of Fukurodani leads his men through the harsh conditions of the mountains on horseback to reach his best friend. Soon, he could return home to his now alive fiancé and son.

Kuroo coughs and shivers from the cold floor of the cell with very little warmth around him. He listens to the head guard who talks to his captains as he goes wide eyed at their words.

"We've killed his queen, the most powerful piece on the board; his will to fight. We captured his best right hand knight. All of it will lead to the fall of the King chest piece. Plus, our own arrow rouge will enter shortly."

As the men leave, Kuroo is left alone to his thoughts, his starvation, his coldness, and his anger. The hidden ally makes his way to Kuroo's cell with new clothes, food, and a sword to keep hidden until the time is right.

"From what I heard, Prince Kotaro is nearby. While Johzenji is fighting, I'll help you escape to the safety of your troops. These clothes will keep you warm." The man of brown hair speaks in a whisper.

"T-Thanks." Kuroo stutters from cold and begins to place the new clothes over his old ones for more warmth. Kuroo begins to quickly eat away at the bread given to him.

"Be ready to run when I come back. You have a head cover to use. Use it to keep your identity hidden when we make our move." The spy says as Kuroo nods. Almost if on cue, the walls quake and shake from above. The man orders Kuroo to wait as he runs out to go see if that was the Fukurodani troops.

"Fire again!!" Bokuto orders for the cannons to fire as he points his sword at the large stone walls of snowy base. Even though it's the end of June, the middle of summer, snow still manages to be on the mountains. Four cannons lay on a high ground along with the others. Their target remains below them and at a small distance.

On command, the cannons fire again, breaking a large hole into the walls. Like stepping on an ant hill, Johzenji soldiers charge out of their busted wall. On their troop captain's and Bokuto's command, the Fukurodani troops rush down with their own weapons. Bokuto and Kenma stay behind with the cannon men and emergency wagons in search for two hooded men; who try to avoid the fighting and make their way to the other side of the new battlefield.

Kuroo slowly places a cover over his head along with the unnamed man. Slowly, they sneak out of the base and make their way across the field. They keep to the outskirts and keep their guard high. Kuroo doesn't have the needed strength to have a fight where he stands victorious. Despite that, he is given a sword to use in a last minute stand off. The mysterious man has given his word to be the one to defend Kuroo if the situation arises. Fukurodani troops were given word to not attack any hooded figures for the potential safety of Kuroo and their ally, of whom Kuroo knows the identity of.

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