Chapter V

69 3 2

3rd Person POV:

"So the test is today?" Bokuto questions as he looks at the hand out about the apprentice court herbalist yearly test.

"Oh be quiet. You have been nervous for Akaashi this entire week. You knew exactly when the test was happening." Kuroo exposes as Bokuto just looks at him.

"Hush Tetsuro. But I am nervous. If he passes, Kashi will be an appearance and he would actually live here at the castle. And then he will be able to hang out with me more! And then we can-" Bokuto starts declaring with a large smile.

"Someone is becoming obsessed." Kenma says as he writes down something. Bokuto turns to him and gives him a tired look.

"What's with that look? I'm not wrong." Kenma snarks.

"But if he passes, he can gain access to the castle without my permission and he's been wanting that." Bokuto says as he looks at his needed paperwork to do.

"Well let's hope he does pass. Especially because you know who's running the exam." Kuroo says as he looks at his sword for a bit. "They all can be harsh with this."

"Master, would you like me to go watch over your princess?" Says Oikawa as he sits on the patio, completely bored.

"I'm not your master damn it!! And he's not my princess! He's a prince to me!" Bokuto says as he stands up from his desk and smiles proudly from calling Akaashi his prince. Kenma and Kuroo look at each other and sigh about their hopeless friend.

"So I take it you do want me to go watch him?" Oikawa asks as his growing boredom grows impatient.

"I have to remind you that you shot an arrow at him." Bokuto says as he crosses his arms.

"Master, I've had many opportunities to run from you but I haven't. How much longer do I have to prove my trust to you?" Oikawa says as he stands up and taps his boot. He fixes his scarf as his hair sticks out in a soft way.

"Ugh, while I don't enjoy you watching him, go. Only watch him and see if he's struggling or doing well. Do NOT help him. He would never forgive me if you did. Report and nothing else. I just want to know how he's doing.." Bokuto orders as Oikawa smiles and laughs. Oikawa says an exaggerated farewell and jumps off the high balcony into a tree.

"Since Akaashi is working so hard to get where he wants to be, I WILL WORK JUST AS HARD SO I AM AN AMAZING PRINCE!!" Bokuto declares as he goes back to his desk to tackle the rest of his work.

Akaashi takes a seat at one of the many desks in the library and sees others fill the room. Within a few minutes, every desk is filled and three men make their way to a small podium. Two of them, Akaashi remember from a few weeks prior at the in town pharmacy. A slightly shorter man takes his place at the middle of the stand with his spiky brown hair and olive eyes. If Akaashi didn't know better, he would have thought he was looking at himself or a long lost brother. The two have similar features such as almost identical facial structure and eye shape.

"Good morning applicants. Today you will be taking a two part test for a position as an Apprentice Court Herbalist. I am Chief Iwazumi Hajime. The two men behind me are Court Herbalists, Miya Atsumu and Sakusa Kiyoomi. The first part of the test is the written exam. After the first part is completed, you will be assigned a small greenhouse where you will care for it throughout the day and night for 12 hours." The chief says as the other two hand out the written test. Akaashi looks at it as he his handed a quill and ink.

The next 5 minutes past and the test begins. Akaashi signs his name in the blank needed and reads each question carefully.

1. The following flower can be used as a base for any condition but mainly to reduce anxiety, inflammation, and swelling.

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