Chapter XVII

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3rd Person POV:

Romeo and Juliet. A story of star crossed lovers who both acted in high actions when they heard their lover was dead. At least, that's what Bokuto said in his lessons when he was 15.

"Romeo is stupid. He overreacted so much! And Juliet should have listen and left with the friar. She could have stopped Romeo but she didn't. Both complete idiots."

But now, after a week of pure anguish, he understands why Romeo wanted to die when he heard about his love being dead. The situation was the same too. Akaashi isn't dead but everyone believes he is, including Bokuto. Death is something Bokuto wants but can't have. He has to continue to fight for his kingdom and his son. Every night, Bokuto cries while staring at the drawing of his young Hoshi. Bokuto hasn't made any advancements in the war and Johzenji would use that to their advantage.

During Bokuto's inactive state, Kuroo, Kenma, Ushijima, Tendo, and substitute for Bokuto's place, Kageyama, have been leading the few small operations they can.

"What if we then attack here?" Asks Tendo as he points to a position on the labeled map.

"We would surely be overwhelmed. Their numbers match to about 35,000, versus us at around 27,000. We would be crushed." Kenma says as he reads off his charts.

"Then we need more men. Based on the our other options, it's the only way to get even near their headquarters. We have to attack with them in the mountains." Ushijima states.

"Should we send someone to get more men then?" Kageyama suggests.

"Yes but most of our movements are being watched. We have little to no way of getting them and coming back without being ambushed." Tendo reinforces as he points to the marked sections that show where their trails are and the near by Johzenji camps.

"I'll go get them." Kuroo states as he crosses his arms and looks at the map. "Kotaro will need Ushijima as the head guard and Kenma is the most reasonable of us. Out of one of the highest men here,  it's best I go."

"Tetsuro.. No." Kenma whispers as Kuroo looks at his two toned haired partner.

"I'm going. Someone has to. Kenma, let's go talk somewhere else?" Kuroo asks as the two walk out of the meeting tent. They go to their private tent where Kenma has his back to his black haired lover.

"Kenma, sweet love, I have to go and do this okay? We need to go home. This war has dragged on long enough. Kotaro needs to go home. He can't handle this anymore. If attacking like this is the only way for a quick end, then I'll do what's needed." Kuroo whispers as he hugs Kenma from behind. He rests his head on Kenna's and holds his hands in his.

"Please, Tetsuro, just stay. We already lost Keiji and Kotaro isn't okay at all. I can't risk losing you too." Kenma mumbles as he leans into his lover. Kenma has been having to watch his best friends fall and it hurts him more than meets the eye.

"I'm sorry," Kuroo kisses Kenna's head gently, "There's no way in hell you can do this and only I am able to be spared." After constant back and forth talking about the matter, Kenma gives up and will have to let his beloved leave the next day; breaking the smaller one's heart.

Iwazumi gently places a small towel into a cold bowl, and then he rings the access water out. He places it against the forehead of the sleeping beauty that lays in the large white bed. Iwazumi takes his record book and marks down that Akaashi's condition has only slightly improved; being which his breathing has scarcely grown. On the other side of Akaashi's bed sits Oikawa and Hinata. Both have rarely left his bedside. In the corner near the bassinet, sits Yamaguchi in a rocking chair, with baby Hoshi in his arms. After a long struggle, he finally got his soon to be nephew to fall asleep.

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