Chapter VI

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3rd Person POV:

"Hey Aka-Chan! How is life as an Herbalist?" Asks Oikawa as he sits in the window of Akaashi's shared office with his supervisor, Atsumu. It's been about two weeks since the exam and only two passed it.

"It's pretty interesting to be honest. They aren't babying me and I get to help out with patients of the castle. I get to work with the another applicant that passed named Yaku and he's pretty nice. They all are." Answers Akaashi as he handles some charts.

"Okay that's great and all but have you seen that Iwa-Chan guy? Like come to me!! You're so fine!!" Declares Oikawa as he smiles about thinking of the Chief. "Although, is it just me or does the man look like you?"

Akaashi stops as he nods. "He does look like me huh?"

"Knock knock! Oh hey Oikawa. Akaashi, the Chief thought you would like to see this. It's Prince Kotaro's medical record. He thought that because you two are so close you, you would do well knowing about it." Atsumu says as he walks into the shared office with two books of records. Akaashi thanks him and takes the two books as Atsumu grabs some things and then leaves.

"Well I better get back. The master may kill me if I'm gone too long." Says Oikawa as he hops down from the window on the first floor. Oikawa places his hands behind his head and walks away heading to the main castle building.

Akaashi stares at the books, one red and the other green. He takes the first one and reads his early childhood from a distance to see the pages.

"Age 8: A sprain from falling in the court yard... A scrape from running and tripping. That klutz. Age 10: A broken arm from falling off the castle walls. How the hell did he even get up there?" Akaashi says softly as he finishes the red book that is mostly full of small scratches and scrapes and moves onto the green book.

"Age 13: Patient woke up with a high fever. Treatment: Feverfew leaf tea and given an ice bath. The next day, patient lost all balance and struggled to stand or sit up. Fever was still high. Within a week, patient stated that his body was on fire and complained of stabbing pains all over his body.." Akaashi whispers as his words slow down to a stop and just stares at the book. Tears slowly rolled down his cheek and onto the book. "Why am I crying..? It's a medical report, but it's Kotaro's.."

"Patient is believed to have suffered from a mild case of poisoning?" Akaashi questions as the tears fall. While Akaashi is busy reading, Kenma walks into the office quietly but stop when he sees the crying Akaashi. He turns around to go find Bokuto since he's not good at confrontation. 

Running faster, Kenma find Bokuto and Kuroo sparing with wooden staffs and Oikawa leaning against a pillar in the outside training quarters.

"Bokuto!!! Bokuto!!" Kenma yells as the two stop sparing and drop the staffs. They rush to a tired and coughing Kenma. They both know that Kenma is not one to run or yell, so him doing both is a high red flag.

"Kenma! What's wrong love?" Kuroo asks as Bokuto looks at Kuroo in confusion. Love?

"It's Akaashi.. He's crying and I don't know why!!" Kenma reveals as he leans into Kuroo. Seems like the two were having a secret relationship and it was revealed to Bokuto and possibly Oikawa. Bokuto hears what Kenma said and rushes over to the medical wing in a hurry. Knowing Akaashi was crying was something Bokuto couldn't stand to think.

"It makes sense now... When he got poisoned in Jonzeiji, he said that he developed a slight immunity.. but the pain he endured.." Akaashi says to himself as he turns the page and pauses at the next statement. "Patient has lost the ability and will to eat. All he mainly does is sleep. Moving hurts and fever is still high. If things keep up the way they are..." Akaashi stops and breaks down as showers of tears crash onto the book and desk. He grabs the desk and closes the book when he hears a tired voice from behind.

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