Chapter IV

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3rd Person POV:

"You got WHAT?! Someone shot at you on palace ground?! Why didn't you alert the guards as soon as it happened." Bokuto asks quite pissed off as the two are sitting on the floor of a small room. The window shines the slowly moving sunset on their faces while Bokuto holds the arrow tightly and is very close snapping it.

"I'm sorry and please calm down. Hear me out." Akaashi says softly.

"How can I be calm?! And why are you treating this like it's not a big deal?!" Bokuto says as he holds the arrow out at her.

"It is a big deal. I'm scared because of it and I'm mad too. Someone doesn't want me here but even so, I wanted to talk to you first about this. I am not leaving here without a fight." Akaashi states as his eyes sparkle with motivation. "I will find who doesn't want me here and why they want to keep us apart. Then I'll make them say it to my face."

"I'm not letting you do this alone, Kashi." Bokuto says as he closes his eyes and rolls the arrow in between his fingers.

"But if I do, they may be more honest with me than if you were to be the one to ask."

"You can't," starts Bokuto.

"At least, that's what I should say. But I won't. I'll wait for your judgment. Just be careful, okay? I won't be able to handle it if you go hurt because I didn't step in." Bokuto says with a soft apologetic smile. "I'm sorry for yelling Kashi. Don't do anything rash. If they get out of hand, run and come find me. There may be more than one."

"I'll be careful. But do you know who?" Akaashi asks as he looks at him with question.

"I have an idea on who it is but I shouldn't say just yet." Bokuto admits.

After a while, Bokuto and Akaashi part ways and Bokuto heads to his study with Kenma and Kuroo already taking care of some paperwork. Bokuto opens the door with a sorrowful look.

"Ko? Is something the matter?" Asks Kuroo as Kenma watches.

"I need a favor you two." States Bokuto.

Akaashi walks up and down a hallway in confusion. "Bokuto-San isn't even sure who this is. Finding them will be a struggle. How will I ever figure out who's behind all this..." As Akaashi speaks softly, footsteps approach from behind.

"What are you doing here?" A low voice asks. "Do you serve in the court or work in the castle?"

Akaashi turns around to be met with a large man, slim eyes, and brown hair. Akaashi stands upwards and responds with a 'No sir.' "I'm visiting."

"With whom? How did you gain access to the castle?" The man asks as he is dressed in white clothing with maroon accents.

"I entered through the back gate and had permission from someone. I am on my way to see him at the moment. I can take you to see him now if you like? He will explain my situation to you."

"Will he?" The man asks, almost as if he is challenging him.

"It's right this way." Akaashi states as he walks closer to the man. After only a few steps, the man tells him to hold it and pulls his sword out on him. The blade tip pointing straight at Akaashi's nose.

"Once I find an intruder, I am not allowed to let them go any further. Leave at once."

'Just like on the ribbon.' Akaashi thinks.

"Only certain authority have the power to welcome outsiders. If you were allowed here I'd know. You don't seem to be one that those authorized would even invite."

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