Chapter II

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3rd Person POV:

After a few minutes of the medicinal paper on both of their arms, Akaashi peals it of gently and wraps both of their arms with bandages. Akaashi and Bokuto are sitting inside the cottage on the couch and behind them are the other two men playing chess.

"So, do you three live here?" Akaashi asks as he finishes wrapping up Bokuto's arm.

"No. No one lives here actually but we come here to relax once in a while. Let's see, the one being beaten at chess in Kuroo Tetsuro. You can call him Tets. The one doing the beating is Kozume Kenma." Bokuto says as Kuroo jumps in his seat from Kenma striking the wining move. He then looks over to Bokuto.

"Ko, how do you know I'm losing when you aren't even watching the game?!" Kuroo yells. It's true. Akaashi's and Bokuto's back is facing the two at the table, and Bokuto hadn't looked at them.

"He just knows that you suck against me." Kenma says with a small smile.


"And you know mine already." Bokuto says with a proud smile.

"Yes I do, Bokuto-San." Akaashi answers softly as he places his things away.

"Woah. You don't have to address me by my last name! You can call me Kotaro!" Bokuto fights back and stares at Akaashi intensely.

"Why? It's me being respectful, 'Bokuto-San'." Akaashi says as he places more emphasis on the 'Bokuto-San'.

"No, Kotaro." Bokuto pressures.


"Kotaro!!!" The two bicker back and forth over how to address the owl like man. Bokuto had his reasons for wanting Akaashi to say his first name. Would it be a secret he'd take to his grave or no?

"Wait, what is your name?" Bokuto snaps out of a small slump as Akaashi places his hands on his knees and speaks his name softly.

"Akaashi.. Akaashi Keiji." His blueish-eyes look over to Bokuto as a small tint of blush crosses his face for a second. Those eyes made it seem he was staring at a glistering ocean that the sun shun on.

"Beautiful.." Bokuto whispers under his breath. Akaashi perks up at the sound of his voice. "Erm-! What are you doing out here, Kashi? You said you were traveling. Do you need directions?"

"Oh, yeah I guess.." Akaashi lies as he looks away and to his bag of medicine. "Actually, I ran away. Someone 'respected' asked me to be his kept man." Akaashi confesses. Why was he revealing him this? For some reason, he just felt he could with Bokuto. What an odd feeling.

"What?! Did you know them?!" Bokuto yells in disgust. How could such a beautiful man be asked of such thing? Wait, why is he thinking this?!

"No. But he wanted me for the color of my eyes. That's the only reason I could think of. So in my place, I left a mineral that shifts from blue to green once in the sunlight. That is what he wants." Akaashi smirks as Bokuto and Kuroo laugh, earning a soft giggle from Kenma.

"You know, I like this guy. He's funny and is blunt." Kenma admits but is given gasps of shock. The main three begin discussing how Kenma rarely likes anyone.

"Well, blue and green mean something special to me Kashi. Blue means intelligence and loyalty along with freedom. Green represents growth and life and obviously nature. You have proven to be very intelligent and have a life that's full of growth. You did something so ridiculous but smart to gain my trust and your knowledge helped in healing me. Nature seems to surround the life of an herbalist and freedom is something you seem to live by, Kashi, because you didn't let the actions of one man control your life. At least that's what I have heard." Bokuto concludes with a smile.

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