Chapter XII

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3rd Person POV:

"My brother?" Akaashi asks with widen eyes.

"Yes. We actually were born here in Fukurodani. Our parents and family have all been amazing herbalists for decades. I was about 7 or 8 when you were born and to be honest, hanging around you was the only thing I wanted to do. I even helped you take your first steps. I would take you around our small village and we would do errands our parents and grandparents needed." Iwazumi smiled at the memories of his little brother following and waddling with him.

"Why.. Why did you leave?" Akaashi wonders while messing with his fingers.

"Well, Fukurodani has been known to have some violent rebel attacks and we still have them often. Some rebels attacked our small village and we had our hands tied up with it, leaving many killed and injured. Our parents and grandparents went out to help run treatment centers and the injured. I stayed inside the house with you to keep you calm and distracted but then there were screams coming from outside. I peaked outside the window and saw multiple men in cloaks with swords. They had come back to try and finish of our village." Iwazumi says as Akaashi stares at him, listening to the story of his parents. His grandparents never mentioned any of this to him and now he was being told of his family that he had lost.

"Our parents had told me what rebels looked like and they matched the description very well. I ran and grabbed you and took you into our parents closet and hid. After a while, the screams went silent and I heard the front door open and our grandparents called us out. Sadly, they told us about our parents. They were some of the first ones to be killed in the second attack but they made sure others were taken into safety before themselves." Iwazumi whispers as the too take a moment of silence.

"Our grandparents took care of us and wanted to move to Jonzeiji to keep us safe from any more rebel attacks. I didn't want to leave my home and the place our parents were so I ran away when we moved to Jonzeiji. I wanted to go back the day after I left but I found myself lost and alone. I made myself here and worked as an herbalist." Iwazumi says softly.

"Not a day went by that I didn't regret leaving behind my family. But then when I got the roster of participants for this years herbalist test, I hoped with everything that the name Akaashi Keiji wasn't just coincidence. I then saw you and realized that you were you. You're so grown up." Iwazumi smiles at the stunned Akaashi.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Akaashi asked.

"Because, what would you think? You would think ill of me for leaving. I was at least happy to have my brother working with me. My that was my mistake of leaving. You will feel the same guilt I did and you'll wish nothing more than to go back and keep your child. You haven't even told the prince yet. How would he feel? You and him have looked past the stupid social status hierarchy and knowing him, he will find a way to silence those who disrespect you and your child." Iwazumi says confidently.

After a small while, Akaashi agrees to tell Bokuto but not for a while. At least until the Karasuno Bird Trial has been completed. Akaashi and Iwazumi hold themselves in a small but long embrace before Akaashi takes his leave to his room. He stops in the middle of the hallway and places a hand on his stomach.

"I haven't said hi, have I little one?" Akaashi whispers with a small smile. Iwazumi was right. Akaashi adores children and having one of his own was something he wished to have with Bokuto when the time was right. He just didn't expect to actually be having one.

"Don't worry. I'll keep you safe. I'm sorry for saying I was going to give you away, my little one." Akaashi apologizes as he heads back to his room. At his door is Bokuto who is knocking at his door. Akaashi greets him on the other side and the two head out for the night.

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