Chapter XX

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3rd Person POV:

It takes Kenma and Kuroo only 4 days to reach the castle versus Kuroo's last visit of an entire week. With them however, is a large caravan with several wounded men who are unable to fight. Kuroo and Kenma are allowed entry and make their way immediately to the throne room of the royal family, where an audience awaits them. The two aides of the late Second Prince bow before the crown.

"Why is that you have asked to speak to us? You two should be with our son." The King states as Kenma stands up and hands him the letter. He bows his head low.

"I apologize sir. We would still be at his side if he was still with us. Prince Kotaro Bokuto, has passed in war." Kenma states and a now devastated Queen begins to weep. Prince Kei stares at the slightly blond with shock while the youngest heir, Princess Hitoka, sobs about her big brother's death.

"He laid his life down to prop his men." Kenma states as he takes his leave with Kuroo. The royal family is left with tears of their son and brother's death. Kuroo and Kenma wait for a minute before heading down the halls. Kuroo holds the wrapped sword close to his chest and they walk in silence. The sound of the grand door to the throne room opening and shutting loudly, enter their ears as the quick footsteps of the First Prince approaches them.

"Kenma, Kuroo, you two are my late brother's aides and I assume that the wrapped item you carry is his sword. His sword should lay with my younger sister. So why do you take it?" Prince Kei asks with stern in his voice.

"Prince Kotaro threw his sword. He threw it because his fiancé is alive. Why would he throw it when Akaashi is dead?" Kenma challenges. He knows that Kei would be the reason something like hiding Akaashi would be his doing, since the King and Queen handle more trivial matters.

"He must have threw it for his family to have." Kei states, trying to refuse any knowledge of Akaashi being alive.

"But you only throw your sword for you lover or spouse. If all you have is your family then you die with your sword and it shall be taken to your family."  Kenma states, blocking Kei into a corner. "So please, tell us where is he is?"

Kei looks at him with stern and soon, releases a breathe. He looks down and sighs before telling them where the hidden fiancé rests. "I must speak to him before though."

The other two agree and begin their way to the quarters, where Akaashi works with on his apprenticeship in herbal medicine with his young son strapped to his chest. Hinata and Oikawa watch their master work with a smile, enjoying that he's back to his peace. Akaashi crushes up a feverfew with a stone tool and soon places it into a small jar for later.

Hoshi watches his mom work with curious golden eyes. He begins to fuss as it's time for his nap. Akaashi unties the straps slowly and holds his baby in his arms. He sits on the large bed where beside it, rests the bassinet. Softly, the ravenette whispers a lullaby to the sleepy infant.

"Just close your eyes, the sun is going down. You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now. Come morning light, you'll and I'll be safe and sound.." Akaashi harmonizes with an angelic voice that draws the child to sleep. Supporting his neck, Akaashi lifts him to his lips, placing a kiss on his forehead. He places his child into the bassinet gently and wraps a white blanket over his small body.

Prince Kei enters with no warning, leaving Kuroo and Kenma in the vacant hall.

"You two leave, now."  He orders as Hinata and Oikawa turn to Akaashi, asking for his approval, since they listen to the orders of him before anyone, even if the King himself ordered it. Akaashi nods to them as he stands up straight, being in the now presence of Kei. The two loyal guards leave and hug onto Kuroo and Kenma. Hesitantly, they close the door and the two returnees tell the other two on the passing of their prince.

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