Chapter XVI

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3rd Person POV:

As the morning rolls in with a nice morning breeze, Bokuto can not get over the context of Akaashi's last letter. Him dying? He couldn't. He understands that he would be giving up his life for their child but he couldn't understand it at the same time. Bokuto hasn't slept in all night because of the constant worry for his love and fiancé.

"Your Majesty.. I-I have terrible news from the castle." A guard says as he walks in with a letter and pure distraught plastered on his face. Bokuto stares at the letter that is extended to him before taking it slowly. The guard leaves immediately as Bokuto stares at the royal seal of his brother. Careful and shaking, Bokuto opens it and pulls out a parchment with writing.

Lord Brother, Kotaro
Once again, rebels attacked the palace but they were in bigger numbers and included a small Johzenji army. When the attack started, Akaashi Keiji went into labor and his men began to work on him. Because of his condition, they were unable to move him to safety...

The previous night was one that would be respected and remembered. A night where Fukurodani finally suffered a huge loss in battle. Even with not much fighting and violence, a huge blow was done to the royal family in the eyes of the remaining staff and citizens of the kingdom.

"I heard what you said but what the hell?! We're going to let him die?! How is that okay?! He still has a chance!" Oikawa yells at his lover. Akaashi is his best friend and letting him die was not an option.

"Madame Akaashi can't die! What about his baby?!" Hinata yells as Yaku stares at the pale Akaashi who breathes softly and slowly. Pale from his normal complexion and even paler than due to his blood loss.

"Will you both shut up!! The enemy is here for Keiji so we will give them what they want! But right now, I'm this close to getting the baby.." Iwazumi announces as he breathes in and out. "Oikawa, Hinata, grab the bassinet and all the blankets and take them to the bathroom. Yaku, is the water ready still?" Iwazumi asks as he makes a small cut. The two run and grab the things he needs and run to the bathroom with everything.

"Yes sir." Yaku says and Iwazumi nods in response. Slowly, he raises his arms with something in his hands. Cautiously, he pulls out a small, almost weightless infant boy. The baby cries softly as the new cold reaches his delicate skin and his lungs all breathing a different air. To the small baby, everything hurts. Iwazumi looks at his small nephew that wears blood and smiles softly.

"You are a little troublesome one. I couldn't find you for a while." Iwazumi says as he carries the baby to Yaku, who slowly washes the blood of the boy in warm water. Oikawa and Hinata run out of the bathroom and stare at their new young prince; instantly bowing on one knee to their royal.

The small peace is interrupted by pounding on the door. All four of them look at the door and then at each other. Iwazumi looks back down at his still open brother and gets back to work.

"Take him to the bathroom, Yaku. Use the bassinet to give him a small examination. Oikawa and Hinata, go with him. Protect them both." Iwazumi whispers as Yaku wraps the baby in a blanket and runs in, holding him to his chest. Hinata runs in behind and grabs Akaashi's sword.

"What about you? I'm not leaving you." Oikawa states in fear for his partner. Iwazumi gives him a look and then a smile. Oikawa just stares at him before understanding. He heads to the bathroom and leaves the door open. It's going to be a very close call, but Iwazumi has to work on fixing Akaashi until the very last second.

The pounding at the door gets louder and harder. Iwazumi does everything he can within the time he has. When the pouring is at it highest and the door rattles, Iwazumi places his tools down and takes a large white cover. He pulls it over Akaashi's body and head. He then makes a mad dash to the bathroom and Oikawa slams it shut. The moment it closes, the main door is busted into. Oikawa and Hinata stand on the other side of the bathroom door with swords and fists at the ready. Iwazumi makes his way with a dim oil lamp to his newborn nephew. Yaku hands him the now quiet baby boy and sees his raven black hair that his mother has. He gently holds his hand as the baby opens his small golden eyes and stares up.

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