Chapter X

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3rd Person POV:

After kissing each other goodbye, Bokuto and Akaashi parted ways for the day. Akaashi is able to walk but he's still uncomfortable. Bokuto would soon deal with a problem he didn't want to deal with so early in the morning.

"Kotaro. You know why this meeting is taking place. It's about that boy and you being poisoned." Bokuto's father states as the rest of the family are seated around a rounded table.

"His name is Akaashi Keiji." Bokuto spits as he looks away.

"I understand that you love him and I'm going to make a deal with you. You tell me the kingdom that poisoned you and I'll let you be with the boy. If you choose not to, the boy will be banished from the kingdom."

Bokuto looks at him in with shock. Even though Akaashi would be the first answer, he knows the truth. Jonzeiji never meant to poison Bokuto and the kingdom is an allied one. If Bokuto tells his father, there is no doubt in his mind that there would be war. But if he didn't, he would lose his Keiji.

Hesitantly, the two toned hair prince says the name of the kingdom.

"The Kingdom of Jonzeiji. They meant to poison Keiji but I ate a poisoned apple before him and I was poisoned instead." Bokuto admits.

"Jonzeiji?! They poisoned my son!!" The King yells as Kei can only stare at his father's ignorance.

"Can you pipe down? He said it was by accident it happened." Kei says with annoyance.

"But they acted so carelessly in the presence of my son! It could have costed him his life!" The King continues to yell and finally, the worse happens. He makes it known to his advisors and aide that they will declare war against the neighboring kingdom.

The King storms out of the room, leaving the Queen and her children at the table.

"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have acted carelessly.." Bokuto says as he looks at his papers, frustrated.

"You never would have known this would happen. I'm happy though that you found someone to love despite his social status." The Queen say softly while looking at her son.

"But since we will be going into war, I want to talk to you about something. Last night, you were supposed to fully be welcomed into to my court and I was planning on giving you a new title. From the looks of it, I'll have to lead with our father in this upcoming war. I'll be staying here at home with him. Despite that however, as the second heir, I wish to place you in charge of our military. Keep in mind that I had this idea for a while and now I am sure you will be needed well in this time of need." Kei announces.

Knowing that this mess is his fault, Bokuto feels that the least he can do is lead his men to battle by their side in a form of redemption. Kei knows that Bokuto loves his men and hates being inside doing office work so this would be his best job.

"Wouldn't that mean I'd have to leave Keiji..?" Bokuto whispers as he looks down. He looks at his hands and remembers holding his sweet beloved. Would he be able to go away to fight and leave him behind.

"Yes you would be. But I'll send you with two other men of your choice. I take it that those two may be Kuroo and Kenma."

Bokuto thinks for a moment before nodding. "Alright then. When you have information on leaving, let me know." Bokuto says as he gets up from his seat. He and walks to the door when the door shoots open.

"You're highness!! I'm so sorry to interrupt but we have an unexpected royal carriage arrive at the gates!" A guard says as he catches his breath. "They claim to be from the Kingdom of Karasuno and wish for an audience with a member of the crown."

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