Chapter XI

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3rd Person POV:

Bokuto sits with Akaashi in between his legs and plays with the ravenette's hair as the latter looks up at the stars.

"Kotaro, what purpose do the birds serve in Karasuno?" Akaashi asked. It had been about now two weeks
since Oikawa returned with a viscount from Nohebi. Preparations were still in the making for war against Jonzeiji. Bokuto knew what Nohebi was doing was wrong but he needed a way to solve this problem calmly and with no violence.

The young adult prince was becoming over worked and stressed to the point that when he would sneak out with Akaashi, he would cuddle the younger boy and softly cry. He would apologize nonstop for the problems he caused Akaashi and the kingdom. He needed a way to not cause another war between the Fukurodani, Karasuno, and Nohebi.

When Viscount Daisho arrived and spoke with Sugawara, things were sour. He said things like, "We are doing everything right. It's their choice if they want to declare war. Declaring war would solve the problem and we will back off."

Bokuto also knew that Nohebi didn't want war. But he kept using that excuse because he knew Karasuno wouldn't declare war. The kingdom is still low on man power and the whole point for Kei and Yamaguchi to get married was to mainly support a small allied kingdom. But the two aren't married yet so such can't happen and it will be a while till then.

"Well from what King Koshi, the birds help in hurting, communicating, locating, fishing, and some pretty other cool things. Apparently everyone in the kingdom knows how to use them in such ways that are deemed appropriate." Bokuto says while brushing his hair.

"Hm.. What if we use some of their birds? Like we share them. We asked that they bring some of their trainers here to train our own men how to handle them. Then we could use them as a form of communication between the two countries. It took Oikawa three days to get to the kingdom of Nohebi to deliver a single letter and Nohebi is only slightly closer to us compared to Karasuno. We could send letters to your men that will be on the front lines of the upcoming war too." Akaashi compromises as Bokuto looks at him with shock. This plan would not only fully protect the birds but help Fukurodani as well. Nohebi wouldn't even think twice about messing with Karasuno, knowing that Fukurodani was on their full side before the marriage. It would be quick and is the solution they needed.

"You're right! Awe you so smart Keiji!!" Bokuto says as he hugs him and smiles. He hides his face into his neck as he rests there. Mentioning the war reminded Bokuto of something important.

"Keiji, I have something to tell you."

"Hm? What is it, love?" Akaashi asks while turning his head slightly.

"I-I have to leave soon. I have to leave to go fight with my men on the front line as their leading chief.. I'm so so sorry. I want to be here with you and I'm scared to wonder what will happen when I'm gone. But I have to go soon. They want me to head out with the first troop by November 10th." Bokuto whispers to Akaashi as he tenses up in response. He finds Bokuto's hand that still lays on his waist and holds it tightly. Silence fills the crisp air of early October as it blows softly.

"Then.. Promise me you'll be safe?" Akaashi asks as Bokuto looks at him and nods.

"I promise."

"Promise me that you'll come back to me."

"I promise." Bokuto whispers as he rests his forehead on his partner's and stares at his forming tears. Tears form in his own as well.

"Heh, this will sound cliche but promise me that you'll come home and make me your husband?" Akaashi asks as a final promise. He's answered with a kiss to his lips.

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