Chapter XIV

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December 5, 1575

Happy Birthday my beautiful Keiji. I miss you more than anything. To be honest, the thought of you and our baby keeps me going. So much death surrounds me. I've lost more men in this short time and writing letters to their families hurt even more because I know that that man had a family that he was fighting for. Just like how I am fighting for you. This was the reason I didn't want to declare war. I didn't want my people to have to die. But here I am. Sometimes I want to cry because of it all. Kuroo and Kenma are doing really well though. They have each other, but I need you. I want to be back home with you in my arms and me in yours. I imagine you in a white decor and garments holding our baby in a light blanket. Ready for me to marry you. I think our is a girl. A beautiful little princess! I'll spoil her with everything she wants because she will be just as beautiful as you and because I love her with all my heart! I have a name for the baby despite gender. Hoshi. It means star! Our baby is our little star!

The snow keeps falling hard and it's making fighting even harder. Tomorrow, we are going to hold a meeting and figure some things out. But from the looks of it, we may have to draft more men and bring Sakusa and Atsumu. We have too many losses that could be saved by the court herbalist rather than local ones. Many of our men are falling sick from the weather. Things are just getting hard over here. A lot of us are feeling Jonzeiji will try and pull something dirty sometime soon. It may have just been a month since we started but there is something in the air and we can all agree to it.

But no matter what, I will keep my promises to you.

With all my love,
You're Prince,

3rd Person POV:

Bokuto rereads his letter and places it in an envelope. He takes his royal seal of the six star flower and wings and stamps it close. He writes Fiancé of the Crown: Akaashi Keiji on the front. He places it down on the small chair in front of him and walks over to a Great Horned Owl in a cage. He pulls a leather made glove over his hand and wrist and opens the cage. He helps the large bird of prey onto his arm and pets his soft feathers. Bokuto feeds him a few vitamins and then attaches a small carrier to him to hold the letter. He places the letter in the carrier and smiles.

"To Keiji, my friend." Bokuto whispers as he steps out of tent with the large bird on his arm and out into the snowed night. He takes his whistle that is around his neck and blows a soft tune while moving his arm upwards for the bird to fly. The owl heads in the direction of the Capital of Fukurodani and to the royal palace. Bokuto runs a bit in the direction of the flying bird until it disappears into the night.

He soon turns and heads back into his tent. He dims his oil lamp and stares at the soft glow, remembering how beautiful his prince looked at the ball in candle light attire. Bokuto lays on his futon and drifts off, dreaming of dancing with his love one more time.

"Madame Akaashi! It's time to retire for the night." Hinata says, entering Bokuto's study where Akaashi waits on the slightly snowy patio. Oikawa waits by the desk and finishes writing a report.

Akaashi stays staring at the midnight sky with a leather glove on his right arm. Around his neck is a silver bell in the shape of a walnut and a whistle. Sugawara had stayed after the trial to help train the royal family to use the birds along with some of the staff and guards. His left hand has a place on his stomach while massaging it slowly. Slowly and barely noticeable, Akaashi is beginning to show.

"Just a few more minutes, please. Bokuto's owl should be here soon." Akaashi states as Hinata agrees and helps Oikawa with the last bit of work. Akaashi closes his eyes and tries to listen for any sound in the night. He hears the flap of heavy wings and smiles when he rings the bell softly. The sound of the wings is just a reminder that news has come to him about his love for the week. Once a week, Bokuto sends a letter to Akaashi in the middle of the night. The next night, Akaashi sends one back with his own owl.

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