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We begin from a birds view, under us is a massive forest spreading for miles. Great patches of green plain felids are scattered across the land. A number of lakes are visible from where we are, the waters clear as glass. With loud cascades and quiet streams. Animals go with their lives, the flora and fauna creating a dreamlike scene. The sky is a bright blue, clear of any clouds. The sun shines blindingly above us.

A black spot is visible in the sky as it moves slowly. A spirit is reborn. It's you, and you're falling towards Paradise.

Your rapid descend is met with the big ass trees that cause your body to tumble and spin as you hit thick branches. You hit the soft grass with a loud 'thud' however despite falling from the sky, no bones are broken and not a scrape or cut is visible on you. Your skin looks perfect, brand new, it holds no stress lines or sun damage, and not a single scar or wrinkle taint it. It's almost as if it were a newborns....well, after all this IS your rebirth.

A buck, who strolled by noticed your still form laying on the ground. Out of curiosity, it came closer and sniffed your hair. Despite the disturbance you remained immobile. Giving the buck confidence to further inspect you.

Then, you come alive. Your spirit awakens before your consciousness. You lay still, but aware. You're aware of yourself, your body feels as if it were sinking. Your limbs feel almost numb. You remember to breathe as you take a sharp inhale, opening your eyes simultaneously. Your breathing steadies as your eyes wonder. No thoughts cross you. You're calm, you are quiet.

The buck jumps back in fear, then hops away from what it believes to be a potential predator.

The sound of the hooves hitting the dirt snap you out of whatever dreamlike state you were in. You also realize that you're strangely bare. No clothes to cover your intimacy.

'What...where am I'  You're uncharacteristically calm despite the situation.

You sit up, instinctively wrapping your arms around yourself In an attempt to cover your uncomfortably naked body. 'What the hell happened to me, why am I naked.' Worrying scenarios ran through your head. 'Was I raped and left to die in some forest?' You stood up to inspect your surroundings, the grass beneath your feet felt nice. However, the idea of walking barefoot in a forest filled with bugs and dirt was not pleasant.

Questioning what might have happened. You didn't remember much, last you recalled you were sitting in bed reading the Attack on Titan manga. You'd gotten too impatient to wait for the anime and finished the story.

'That ending was so trash/good' you wondered what could have been an alternative end to the show.

You continued to inspect the area, not failing to notice the gigantic trees that surrounded you. They reminded you of AOT, somewhat lifting your mood. You decided that the smartest thing to do was look for people. You began to walk while shouting for help.

"Hello!? Help! Anyone?!" Your pleas came unanswered.

You walked for a couple of minutes, no sign of people anywhere. You began to panic as the reality of your situation sank in. You feared the worst. 'This is seriously a pathetic way to die...lost in a forest, naked.' The distant sound of heavy footsteps caught your attention. Almost by instinct, you began running towards the sound hoping It would be people. Maybe from desperation, you idiotically ignored the fact that the footsteps didn't seem to be from a normal human. Your desire to find people clouded your judgment.

As you ran, you noticed how easy it was, and how fast you were going. You weren't even out of breath yet. Preoccupied with something else, you didn't ponder on it for long.

Your running came to an abrupt stop when you arrived at a clearing. You noticed the clear tracks of hooves and carts that had passed through. Yes! If I follow these I'll find people!'
You began walking the way you thought was right when suddenly a animalistic mewl startled you. Your head shot towards the direction of the sound only to be met with a set of gigantic human eyes.

You froze in place, flight or flight mode immediately activating. You stood still, not sure if you could run. 'WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT' 
Your mind screamed. You looked the creature up and down quickly inspecting it. It was a titan.


Suddenly all of the events up to now made sense. Gigantic trees? Hooves and cart tracks? A titan??? You were convinced you woke up in another universe. It would explain why you couldn't remember how you got here. Your thoughts were cut short when in an instant, the titan was running towards you. You immediately tried to flee into the trees.
The titan was faster.

It roughly rapped its fingers around your much smaller body. You heard the gruesome snap of of your ribs under the titans tight hold. Followed by blood filling your mouth and lungs as the broken ribs pierced your organs forcing you to cough. Your shoulders dislocated under the pressure as the titan crushed you further.

A pathetic breathless scream escaped your broken body as the Titan began to bring you close to its mouth, ready to eat you.

'This can't be happening- Someone help PLEASE HELP ,PLEASE HELP ME. HELP!' Your pleas of help turned into pathetic begging for a quicker death as the titan decided to draw out your miserable torture. It began to slowly bring your bare legs to its mouth, snapping the bones and crushing your skin with its teeth. Triturating your flesh slowly as if it were enjoying your suffering.

A sudden rush of adrenaline struck you. You saw your life flash before your eyes, from the moment you were born to your last day laying in bed and reading manga. Your partners fighting downstairs as you wished to be elsewhere.

The reason one sees such images in these situations is because you're searching for a way to avoid death by going through all your past experiences and memories.

That's when you saw it. In your memories was a winged beast, it stood proudly as it watched over you. You were no older than 5 when the beautiful creature touched its snout to your small hand and swore to you it's spirit.

"YN I'll always live in you, all you must do is say my name..."

With one last breath, you called it's name.


OuuuOoouu what will happen next 👀👀👀

BEAST - Attack on Titan x Dragon Shifter Where stories live. Discover now