Chapter XIII - Beast or Human?

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The sun threatened to rise above the horizon like any other normal morning in paradise. The wind blowed under your spread wings, keeping you elevated thousands of meters above ground. You gracefully glided through and above clouds towards the three great walls.

You squinted your eyes slightly and your scales reflected the faint rayes of sunshine that began to illuminate the sky. Huffing, you flapped your wings to increase your pace.

'I need to hurry'

After killing wandering titans for the night, you found yourself to be unusually exhausted. It seemed like your naps had become less and less effective recently. You had trouble falling asleep, your muscles were sore and your limbs stiff. Even tonight, you had only managed to kill 5 titans with your weak body. Normally you'd breeze through 20 at least.

Now, usually your naps would solve these issues. However they had become futile the past month, this worried you and the squad.

They had noticed your lazy and tired behavior.
You'd stop listening to what Erwin would talk to you about. Not being able to concentrate without falling asleep. Levi would visit you secretly only to find you resting and not wanting to be bothered. And worst of all, you stopped running away when Hanji would show up with a massive needle. Your energy was at a all time low and nobody knew why.

The scientist believed you were sick. They tried to feed and Inject you medicine. Only for you to have no reaction. Petra even came around and worked twice as hard cleaning you since you stopped grooming yourself properly. Moblit mentioned something about bringing a veterinarian, but that suggestion was quickly shut down.

Today was your braking point. It was dumb of you to try and kill titans. Your wings threatened to give up. Your vision blurred as you struggled to maintain altitude. You faintly spotted the forest where your sinkhole was. Using the last of your strength, you pointed your body into its direction. 

'Jesus take the wheel!'

This wouldn't be a graceful landing.


"Hey! What are you doing here!" Hanji shouted as she directed her lamp towards a certain short man sitting by a rock under the trees.

"Tsk- Dammit" Levi cursed under his breath. He didn't expect to be seen in the darkness. He had been sneaking into the sinkhole the past month to see you. Although recently you had been acting off. He couldn't admit that it worried him.

"I'm talking to you Ackerman! How did you find this place?" Hanji called to him once again.

Levi sighed, rolling his eyes "Simple, I just followed Erwin here."

Hanji facepalmed. "Erwin won't be happy about this."

Levi stood up from the rock and began walking towards her, his own lamp swinging from his hand.

"You won't tell"

Hanji raised an eyebrow at his claim. "What makes you say that?"

The man smirked "Because if you do, I'll tell him about what you've been doing with Moblit on your free time."

A tomato would be adequate so describe the color of the scientist face. Hanji blushed madly and sweat dripped down her forehead.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT!?" She screeched while waving her arms back and forth.

"Tsk- do we have a deal or not?"

Hanji gulped. "Fine dammit!"

The two soldiers bickered some more. The sky began turning from a pitch black to a darker blue. Signaling that morning was on the horizon. They both turned off their lamps as visibility was somewhat decent now.

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