Chapter V - Planning

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After discovering the journal in Erwins home. Both him and Hanji agreed on keeping it a secret. The scientist promised Erwin that she would try to decipher the journal after he had theorized that maybe it was written with a different alphabet rather than another language. They had also discussed when they would go to the outside. It was an extremely dangerous mission. If they were caught by anyone, they could be executed. Or even worse, they could be eaten by titans. Alas, with Erwins devotion to his fathers dream and Hanjis...problems. They managed to come up with a simple yet effective plan on how to go in and out from the walls.

Step number 1 — Gather a squad

"I thought we agreed on keeping this between us?" Erwin asked.

Hanji was currently telling Erwin the idea. They had everything covered, having spent the last two days coming up with a masterplan.

"We both know that going out there without a squad is a death sentence, even with skilled soldiers like you and I"

Erwin frowned "You're right, but I only left behind two horses. Who do you think would want to join us?"

Hanji had this up her sleeve. "Don't worry about it! We estimate that more than a couple of horses are left behind on expeditions anyways, there will most likely be some out there we can use."

"And as for the squad, two people should be enough. Moblit is coming with us, and I was thinking cadet Petra Ral will be great for the job."

Erwin seemed unsure. "I understand why you'd bring along Moblit, however Ral is new. Are you sure she'd be able to take on a mission like this?"

Hanji nodded eagerly "Absolutely! I've seen the way she slays those titans! Her kill count is 2 solos by now! And I'm sure it won't take her much convincing, she's a little naive."

The blonde man hummed in approval, "I'll trust your judgment on that, and I'll help you convince her. Not like she'll have a choice..." Erwin felt a little guilty considering that if Petra refused to come, they'd probably have to do something serious to make sure she doesn't snitch on them.

Step number 2 - Climb down the walls 

"HErE I HavE- Oof!" Hanji placed a heavy sack on her desk. "All the things we'll need to climb the walls without our gear, so we won't waste gas going up and down ."

She took out what looked to be a couple of ice axes and ropes. Along with other objects Erwin didn't recognize. Noticing him pick up the objects and inspecting them, Hanji reassured him.

"Don't worry about these-" she picked up the strange nail-like objects. "They're so we can secure rope on the wall and slide down"

Understanding, Erwin nodded his head and looked from the gadgets back at her. "I'm glad you've completed your part, I've also solved how we can travel while avoiding titans.

Step number 3 - Avoid titans and people.

"The trees on the northeastern side of Shinganshina are the closest to the wall so we can use them for cover, this way we'll avoid anyone seeing us until we are a good distance away."
Erwin explained while showing her a map of the walls.

"Once we've made it down, we'll conduct my newly designed squad formation. I call it the long distance enemy scouting formation, I just modified it so we can avoid titans at all times. Even if it's 4 of us."

Hanji perked up at the name, "Is that the one you suggested to Shadis? I remember he said something like "TrY iT wHeN YOURE cOmmAnDeR"" she said in a terribly bad man voice. 

Erwin grimaced at the memory "That's right..."

Erwins mind:

(This moment made me be glad Shadis is bald now)

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(This moment made me be glad Shadis is bald now)

Step number 4 - Setting up camp

Erwin continued, "This would be our last step, it's a bit extra. However if we plan on returning again we'll need a place to keep the horses. As well as somewhere to go in case titans overwhelm us."

Hanji agreed, "it's a good idea, I've also found a way to make up an excuse for being missing a couple of days." She pulled out some documents.

"I've written these stating that you, Petra, and Moblit are required to accompany me to go to Dauper in wall Rose. They'll think we are interviewing the folk there when in reality we are risking our lives...FOR SCIENCE!" She hugged the documents to her chest, almost ripping them.

Erwin placed a hand on her shoulder, "Don't get to exited now you'll have to rewrite those when you damage them."

Hanji quickly took his advice and placed down the documents. "I can't help but be like this! This will be the most important moment of my life! This is what I joined the scouts for, titans and discovery!!!"

She began squealing, losing her sanity. She stopped however when a knock at the door interrupted her demon noises.

"Section Commander Hanji! I've brought cadet Ral as you instructed." Moblit didn't bother with waiting to be let in as he dragged a confused redhead behind him.

Petra wasn't sure why she was here, she just hoped the brunette wouldn't use her as bait to capture a titan or something. Hanji beamed, "Great! Why don't you two introduce yourself?"- she said, referring to Petra and Erwin. "Common Moblit I've got to talk to you ehehe"  She took Moblit's arm and shoved him outside to chat. Petra meanwhile had to look up to meet Erwins intense gaze. He seemed to be inspecting her, almost as if he was a judge at a dog show.

"Hello um- you're Erwin Smith right? The future commander I hear." She said, laughing nervously.

"I'm not so sure about the commander part, but you must be Ms. Ral. I've heard great things about you from Hanji." They shook hands. Petra looked over at the door, she could hear Hanji rambling on the other side at godspeed. Unknowingly to Petra, Hanji was speedrunning Moblit through the plan.

Speaking of, when they came back whatever Hanji had told the poor assistant had him looking like he just saw a ghost-  no, more like Satan himself.

"I've got Moblit in on our special mission *WINK WONK* so how about you tell dear Petra here about what Shadis requested us to do"

Catching her drift, Erwin instantly came up with a lie. "Right, we have been chosen to go on a private mission in Shinganshina. The canons on the northeastern side are broken and titans are piling up. It's our mission to kill them." 

Petra nodded, easily eating up the lie. "I understand, when will we be going?"

Erwin smirked, "Tomorrow"







AN: Ello! I hope you liked this chapter, next chapter will be interesting 👀👀... also I'm trying to avoid any plot holes so let me know if you spot any!

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