Chapter XVI - Crushes

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Life in the scouts was interesting to say the least. Most days you awoke by the sound of either Levi  banging on your door for you to get ready for training. Or Hanji not even bothering to knock and just walking in casually to shake you awake. Only to then drag you to help her with experiments or subject you to them.

Only Erwin was kind enough to wait for you to wake up on your own for whatever he'd need you for. Most times for private training, and in rare and precious occasions he'd invite you to eat with him or go into town together. A kind gesture that you greatly appreciated.

If you weren't training with Levi, being tortured by Hanji or hanging out with Erwin—you'd be with your fellow soldiers doing chores and other activities. You had become very close with Isabel and Hanji. Honestly you'd consider them your best friends. They both helped you tons in getting into the rhythm of the scouts.

It was sometimes still a bit surreal to you seeing all of them as actual people and not just animations and drawings. People who had their own lives, thoughts and feelings. This came with its own problems however, problems involving your thoughts and feelings towards certain individuals...

"Wake your ass up YN I want to see you out here in negative 5 minutes!"

Ah, there's nothing better than waking up to a angry midget screaming at you in the morning.

You groaned groggily at the awakening.
"That doesn't even make any sense Levi!"

The man rolled his eyes as he tapped his foot impatiently outside your door. "Do you think I give a fuck?"

You laughed. "Alright Alright give me 10 minutes I'll be ready!"

You got out of bed, hearing Levi bicker outside your door.

"If you're not out here in 5 I'm coming in to drag you out, I don't care if you're in pijamas."

Pijamas? You looked down at yourself, the only thing you were wearing right now were some panties. Nothing that he hadn't seen before. You recalled back to the day you flopped out of your dragon form for the first time. Naked.

That was almost 2 years ago. Time flies when you are subjected to torturous training and fighting titans. To the disappointment of Erwin and Hanji, the Journal that Farlan had traduced turned out to make no sense. You suspected that it was all written with the Marleyan alphabet and not the Eldian.

You had changed with the years, what you once called a Anime was now your home. The characters you had once idolized now were your close friends. With your percance came change for this world, the spirit within the scouts had grown stronger. The number of recruits joining was increasing. And the number of fatalities kept going down with each expedition. All thanks to the fact that the Titan population had been significantly reduced from  your dragon days. The past year however you had refrained yourself from going outside the walls too much because you knew Reiner, Bertolucci and Annie were on their way. And you really didn't want to encounter them.

You sighed. The Merleyan soldiers would breach the walls and day now. And your plans were still unclear. Befriending them of course was the first step. This way you'd have at least some emotional leverage against them.
Ya know we gotta get that Armin immunity.

Speaking of friends, you had to admit these 2 years had drawn you closer to the midget outside your door a lot more than what you had initially expected. Along with Farlan and Isabel, Levi seemed significantly to favor you over the other scouts. You two would hold interesting conversations and fun bickering. Unlike the chaotic (in a good way) friendships you had with Hanji and Isabel. What you had with Levi was much more tender and unique. Sure he'd scold and threaten your life sometimes but it was all lighthearted play. In your own weird way at least.

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