Chapter XX-Bells and Roses

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"We should make the wedding Titan themed!"

"No Hanji that's a terrible idea."  Petra cringed at Hanjis horrible suggestions for the wedding that was due in 2 days. She had taken upon herself to be in charge of all the planning—leaving Hanji to the less important tasks that wouldn't result in her somehow including titans into the mix.

The ceremony wouldn't be too big—only big enough for there to be enough witnesses that were outside of your inner circle. Both Erwin and you had agreed on keeping things quick and simple. There was no need for hundreds of guests and a banquette to celebrate. After all, this arrangement was only to clear your name.

Nothing more.

Then why was the commander putting in so much dedication on picking out your wedding rings? His blue eyes scanned over the different shapes and sizes of the stones. His mind struggled to agree on what you'd like best.

Levi stood behind Erwin, bored out of his mind. They had been in that jewelry store for at least 30 minutes and Erwin still hadn't decided on which rings to get. He had begun to regret accepting joining the commander in this chore.

"Can you hurry it up already."

Erwin hummed "Give me one minute."

Levi rolled his eyes, his gaze shifted over the the jewels that Erwin was looking at. There were many rings of different shapes, colors and sizes.

His eyes locked on a ring with a beautifully polished (color) stone, the band was (color)—it wrapped around the stone in a unique way. Much different from the other boring rings he'd seen.

Levi poked Erwins side with his elbow.

"One more minute—"

Levi cut him off by pointing to the ring.

"Pick that one—she'll love it."

Erwin looked at the said jewel. "How can you know?"

"Tsk— just trust me." Levi's voice held a hint of challenge.

Erwins eyes narrowed, did he really know you'd like that ring or was he trying to sabotage him? Levi did seem to know you better than himself. Erwin was very aware that you told Levi things he or anyone else would never hear about. Erwin was jealous of that dynamic between you two. The way you trusted Levi was different, it was deeper—much more than what he had with you.

So it was likely that Levi knew what you'd like best.

In the end, Erwin decided to trust the Captain. He payed for the ring and stored in in his breast-pocket.

The two men began to make their way to HQ. Erwin took short strides so that Levi wouldn't have to scurry behind him. The height difference made it challenging for them to walk in-sync.

The tension between them was thick. Even after attempting to ease the simmering jealousy between the men.

"I've got something for you Levi." Erwins words cut through the tension as he handed Levi a letter.

The shorter male eyed it curiously before he opened the tidy envelope. The letter inside was an invitation to the ceremony.

"Tsk—I'm not going." Levi returned the envelope to Erwin—almost crumbling it out of spite. However Erwin didn't let him— instead pushing it back into Levi's hand.

"Please Levi."

The Captain glared at him.

"Why should I accept?" His voice was low and dripped with venom.

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