Chapter VI - Plan in action

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It was the next day.

"Section commander, what are those bags for?" Petra asked. She, Hanji, Erwin, and Moblit were currently making their way to Shinganshina on a cart.

"No need for the fancy names! Call me Hanji"

Petra frowned, That didn't answer my question...

Everyone else was oddly silent, Erwin looked to be deep in thought while Moblit was...praying? Hanji on the other hand couldn't seem to keep still. Constantly muttering to herself while scribbling on her journal.

Petra sweatdropped. She had already been nervous about this mission as it is but the behavior of her comrades was making her nerves 10x worse. She hadn't even been told of any plan of action. All Hanji had said was 'just go with the flow!'. Petra didn't know what that meant.

Glancing at Moblit, he had his hands on his knees and was staring at his feet. He looked like he had just witnessed the massacre of 69 puppies.

"Moblit are you alright...?" She asked since nobody else seemed to notice or care about his state.

Moblit slowly looked up to Petra, oh how bad he felt. If only she knew what the real plan was. Knowing that he had to get his shit together, Moblit took a deep breath and forced a smile.

"Just grEAt" his voice cracked a little at the end causing Hanji to chuckle. She took a hold of his shoulders and shook him furiously.

"Relax Moblit! All we are doing is kill some titans like always! No biggie!"

Moblit almost cried, "Right, no biggie..."

For the love of the walls, why me...! — Moblit <3

Erwin silently observed them. Moblit was having a mental breakdown while Petra was clueless. How could they manage this with such a shit squad? Luckily, captain amer- I mean Erwin's plan, Also known as the "Long distance enemy scouting formation" would hopefully assure that they didn't encounter any titans. 

"Section Commander, may I ask why I was chosen for this mission?" Petra asked.

Hanji looked up from her journal. The scientist pushed up her glasses before answering.

"You hav-

"Are you doubting your ability to be part of this team, Miss Ral?  In that case, speak up now before you cause a tragedy. I know your father would be devastated if you died pointlessly." Erwin was blunt, his piercing blue eyes stared right through her. He wasn't trying to scare her, quite the contrary. His words were meant to inspire her.

Petras posture straightened as she spoke "No sir, I'm more than capable. My father has no one left, I'd never leave him."  A new light reflected her eyes, determination.

Erwin smirked. It had worked as he expected. "Very well, I expect you to prove it."

Petra nodded, her nerves had eased slightly. 'No wonder people say he'd do as commander.'

The rest of the trip to Shinganshina was mostly quiet, the occasional bickering between Moblit and Hanji was the only thing keeping our group from their thoughts. Hanji spoke about how excited she was to find the "abnormal" while Moblit urged her to calm down. They arrived by Shinganshinas gate sometime later. Together they carried the bags and their gear. Hanji began to explain the fake plan to Petra on their way to the top of the wall.

"Right so our plan is to strap us to these ropes here and use these to swing around and kill the titans!" Hanji grinned, giving no further explanation.

Petra frowned "We won't use our gear?"

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