Chapter XIX-Deep Conversations and False Accusations

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Mere days have passed since the destruction of Shinganshina and the breach of Wall Maria. Thousands of people perished that day, the titans taking 20% of the population. Those who managed to retreat into the inner walls were left homeless, hungry, and forced to work in fields in a attempt to grow more food for the nation. However with dry and infertile land, little to nothing grew. Leaving both the refugees and citizens of Wall Rose in famine.

Although you dealt with a proper scolding from Erwin after going into battle without permission. In the end the risk proved to have been worth it as many civilians claimed to have been aided or saved by a female scout while the garrison fled and cowered against the titans.

Levi stood by your side through it all. You struggled with the guilt eating at your heart.
Thankfully he was there to cheer you up and support you after what happened. Although everyone helped greatly, you shivered at the thought of how they didn't know the true story. To them—you were a hero.

Really you were just a coward.

Afraid of stoping the smiling titan because it would alter the future. Afraid of not knowing what would happen next. Afraid of loosing those you cared for—

Afraid of failing.

It was relaxing moments like the one you were having now that helped you cope. You alongside Petra sat under a tree by the courtyard. It had been a week since you last held a conversation—recent events had made you both too busy.

"So how are things with Farlan?" A smile crept its way onto your face as you caught the strawberry blonde blush.

"Things are good—great actually! He really is a good fit for me...we haven't made anything official yet though." Petra scratched the back of her neck as she spoke.

You hummed "How come? Didn't he confess?"

"He did, bought me flowers and everything—but we aren't sure if we should make it official considering..." she sighed.

You looked at her in confusion. "Considering what?"

Petra pulled her legs up to her chest and rested her head on her knees, one of her hands played with the grass below.

"It's just our line of work is so dangerous...what if one of us is injured? Or even worse—eaten? We'll be heartbroken..."

You listened—recalling Levi's similar view on love. Your heartstrings tensed at the thought of the shorter male hating the idea.

"Petra why do you think we fight the Titans despite the danger? Because we're tired of being enslaved by them! Specially now, you can't let those big idiots rule your decisions. If you want to be in love then do it!"

The look in her eyes changed slightly as she switched positions—now sitting up straight.

"I see your point— YN you're good at pep talks have I told you that?"

You laughed slightly. "Thanks I guess, I'm just tired of seeing everyone be so negative with love."

It was now Petra who laughed "You're one to talk—Farlan told me about how you've been denying your feelings for the Captain AND the Commander."

You groaned.

Petra winked at you as she giggled "Don't worry I won't tell...I definitely see you and the captain making a cute couple. Erwin is nice too but I vote for LevYN."

You raised a eyebrow at the name. "Seriously LevYN?"

Petra raised her hands in defense. "It's your couple name! Levi and YN: LevYN."

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