Chapter I - Amon

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With one last breath, you called it's name.


A blinding flash tore through the sky as lighting struck down on you. The immense energy from the strike was enough to tear the titans hand from your body. Chunks of its flesh and bones were thrown across the forest. It stood no chance as you were engulfed by bones, muscles and flesh that fused to create a body over yours. The transformation was so fast that the proximity caused the titan to go flying and crash into a nearby tree. 

The newly transformed beast almost doubled the size of the 7m titan. It's skin was smooth and warm. However boney scales plated vulnerable areas like it's nape. It's head was decorated with horns. Similarly, it's tail had barbed spikes that could be used to impale and tear flesh. The beast wasted no time and as quickly as it had transformed, it attacked the titan and tore it to bits, killing it.

A moment of silence commenced as you looked down at the distorted corpse of the titan you'd just killed. It's body began to evaporate into hot steam while you observed it. Many conflicting emotions coursed through you. Pain, relief, anger, confusion. You recalled that the only way to kill a titan was by striking its nape, you smugly thought how completely tearing the titan to bits was just as effective. 'sweet revenge...' The adrenaline from the initial transformation began to wear off,  you took this moment to look down at your titan-like body to inspect it. Now... Although you had been a bit stunned by the transformation. Your mind was quick to work out that you had turned into a sort of dragon. You could feel your wings, legs, and tail. You were aware of your body.

"Holy shit I'm a dragon...It's like the beast titan but actually cool." You tried speaking but all that came out was a series of growls and grunts.

Overall you were relieved you didn't die, and that you could escape the excruciating pain you were in just a minute ago. The experience had been traumatizing.

'That was so fucked up... god I hate titans '

Despite knowing that you had transformed through Amon, you didn't know why or who this Amon was. All you could remember was them giving you their power. 'Why can't I remember anything? And I still don't know if this is really Attack on Titan or just some sick nightmare' The forest did look straight out of a scene from SnK. However you had your doubts. 'Is it really possible to wake up in another world? What part of the timeline would I be in.'
None of this made sense, and you didn't know what to make of it. You thought about your past life, your parents would probably miss you. They fought all the time but you still loved them. 'Not like it matters now, I gotta find out what I'll do next' you considered trying to leave your dragon form. however decided to stay transformed as long as possible. You didn't exactly fancy the thought of walking naked in a forest with human eating monsters around. You've had enough of that already.

Also thinking about humans, you began waking away from the tracks that you had found before almost being killed by a 7m titan. Avoiding the survey corps seemed like the best idea for now. At least while you got your shit together. The last thing you wanted was to be captured and killed by them, or accidentally kill one of the members.

After a while of walking and thinking about what to do, you reached a wide, open field with a large pond taking part of it.

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