Chapter XXV- The Colosal Returns

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Pro tip: don't drink Eldian alcohol if you have a expedition the next morning. Now you understood why it was called a "hungover"—probably because now you wanted to hang yourself in order to stop the pounding headache that assaulted you.

You groaned loudly as you made your way on horse towards the gates that lead to the Titan riddled Wall Rose. Your team followed closely behind, all watching you with a concerned gaze.

"Maybe you should have skipped this expedition YN—you don't look so good at all." Said Farlan, followed by sounds of agreement from the rest of your squad.

"I'm fine, it's just a mild headache." You said, seconds later your stomach made a sound so loud your entire squad heard it—even your own horse spooked a little.

"Do you need a bathroom?!" Isabel asked in panic.

Ahh yes, that must have been Hanjis special "hangover remedy" she had made for you that morning. The damm thing had only worked to kickstart your digestive system.

"Leave the Captain alone, if she said she's fine then we should trust her judgment." Said Marvolo—finally someone defended you.

"Thank you!" You sang dramatically.

"We're only looking after you Captain, just as you do for us!" Retorted Freida.

You felt a little guilty for making your squad worried for you, they should be worrying about themselves, not me. They probably thought that being slightly sick would put you at a greater risk when fighting. Only Isabel and Farlan know about your ability. You had told them that if they saw you inside a titans mouth to leave you alone, you could just transform if you absolutely had to.

However Marvolo and Freida didn't know that you basically had 2 lives, and you feared that they'd risk their life to try and save yours.

You had given them a long speech about how their lives were just as valuable as yours, and to never risk themselves to save a lost cause. However they didn't seem very convinced.

After some minutes you finally made it to the giant entrance to wall Maria. Todays mission was to clear out some of the settlements in order to use them as a supply line. You wished you could just transform and give the titans a thrashing like in the good ol' days however Erwin had prohibited you from it. Understandable considering that the perimeter was patrolled practically 24/7 now a days.

Besides, today was also the day that the colossal would breach the walls once again. Meaning that he could be lurking outside even now...

You weren't planning on transforming today—Erens abilities as a Titan shifter was already scary enough for the people. He almost got executed! If you revealed yourself now, even more fear would spread—meaning the chances of both of you becoming lobotomized corpses even greater.

Your eyes locked with Erwins—who was leading at the front. Both he and Levi were reluctant to allow you to be here today, however your squad was one of the best—you not coming meant that your squad wouldn't come either. That's 5 of their best soldiers being excluded.

To that add the fact that your middle name was stubborn. You refused to not go on the expedition and rest. That coupled with you sweet talking the men resulted in them allowing your percance today.

Erwin continued to glance your way—his stern gaze softening every time.

"Aww look—he's giving her the look again." This time it was Hanji who walked her horse next to yours. Shoving you with her elbow playfully as she made kissy sounds with her mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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