Chapter XII - Grounded

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Most people attributed the commanders current foul mood to the increased casualties during the expedition. Erwin walked rapidly towards HQ. His heavy steps emitting his clear anger. Only few however knew the true origin of his fury.

"I'm gonna skin that lizard next time I see her!"

Petra gasped at his statement. Hanji and her had been nervously following the commander, trying to calm him down.

"Erwin it's fine! Nobody saw her besides Levi and his friends" Reasoned Hanji.

Erwin glared at the thought of their shocked faces, watching you. Besides his displeasure at you failing to follow orders. Part of him felt...conflicted. He didn't like how for some reason Levi seemed important enough for you to go out of your way to save his friends.

'I can't wrap my head around why...'

Erwin stoped in front of his office doors.

"I need to write down the paperwork for the mission. Both of you- go make sure that nobody besides us saw her today. And if anyone has...take care of it."

The two women saluted.

"Yes commander!"

"You got it eyebrows! And try to relax a little will ya?"

Erwin didn't respond as he disappeared behind the dark oak doors. The two soldiers shrugged at each other. They made their way towards various places around HQ. The infirmary, cafeteria,  and courtyard was where most remaining soldiers were. Petra and Hanji split up to converse with them, making sure none had any stories about sighting a flying creature.

Meanwhile, Moblit had accompanied Levi, Isabel and Farlan to Hanjis office where they awaited for her. The three thugs wouldn't stop pestering the assistant about the creature that they had seen.

"So is it like your friend? And what is it?"

"Are there more of those outside the wall?"

Moblit sighed "Yes she is our friend. And as for your other questions we don't really know."

Isabel gasped "She? Does she have a name?"

Moblit hesitated, he didn't know how much information he should be sharing to these guys.

Levi beat him to it however.

"YN, her name is YN. That's what eyebrows shouted when she appeared."

Farlan hummed "YN a suitable name for such creature."

Moblit interjected "Don't get too exited, and please- you can't tell anyone about this. If you do, YN could be-"


The assistant turned his head to see Erwin standing by the labs doors. The tall man gazed down at each of them. Only Levi managed to not falter at his defying glare.

"Where is Hanji?" Asked the commander, his voice stern.

"I don't know sir, we've been waiting for her." Answered nervously the assistant.

Erwin turned away from them "Tell her to meet up with me when you see her." The man left and offered no further explanation as to where the scientist should meet him. She'd know what he meant.

The short male between them also seemed to catch on to the puzzle. He waged his options as he watched the blonde leave.

"I don't have time with this. I'll see you later." Levi told them.

"Where are you going bro?"

Levi walked out the door with one final word.


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