Chapter IX - Commander Smith

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It's a beautiful morning in Paradise, you soared the fresh winds with grace. Daylight threatened to spill over the land as the sun hiked over the horizon. You yawned widely as fatigue heaved over your eyelids.

'I'm so tired' even thinking was a chore now.

After many months living in your dragon form you'd mastered practically every aspect of mobility. Allowing you to effortlessly glide through the air, something that had become extremely helpful for the past few weeks since your meeting with Erwin, Hanji, Moblit and Petra. Every morning you flew near the edge of Wall Maria and looked wether the Garrison's soldiers were on duty. As Erwin had told you...

"If nobody is guarding the canyons it means we'll pay you a visit that day"

Checking in every day meant you could no longer afford to take your long naps that at times could last days. Due to this you had stopped your routine titan killing and exploring of the land in a attempt to conserve as much energy as possible.

You arrived at your usual look-out tree from which you had a clear view of the walls

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You arrived at your usual look-out tree from which you had a clear view of the walls. Your muscles trembled from exhaustion as you gripped the trunk to keep yourself settled. It was your lucky day as no soldiers were present to kill the titans below with the canyons. They mewled and clawed at the so called "impenetrable" walls, knowing a tasty meal lay within. You pondered on wether to fight them or not. Your sore muscles told you not to. There were other ways you could get those human eating monsters away from there...

You had a plan, but for'd wait for your friends to appear.



Three days ago within the walls...


Commander Keith Shadis of the Survey Corps sat in his office. His fingers tapped his oak desk in thought. There was something new happening beyond the walls. For the first time in decades, casualties had been at a all time low.

'Something has changed...'

Hope and determination within the Corps had never been higher. Less and less dead and injured came from recent missions. The man hummed in approval to the idea in his head.

'It's is time...'




"Oi Smith! Shadis wants you in his office right away!"

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