Chapter IV - The Journal

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"So you are telling that a 8 meter bipedal lizard with wings for arms saved you from a titan and understood our language?" Hanji rested her head on both her hands as she tried to comprehend Erwins explanation.

"Correct, and it took-

"And it took your fancy necklace as a way to say, see ya later....?"

"Precisely, now I know it's hard to believe but-

"Erwin, I believe what you are experiencing is called psychosis, a common branch suffered by PTSD victims. It can cause hallucinations! Maybe all this titan action has taken a toll on you, a severe one."

Erwin shook his head. He wasn't expecting that Hanji wouldn't believe him. He knew it sounded crazy but common... this is Hanji we are talking about.

"No I-

"It's okay Erwin don't be ashamed it's perfectly normal! Remember Francis? Well after he saw his friend getting kebabed he-

"Hanji! I swear I'm not sick, don't you remember that strange roar we heard all those months ago? Well this creature repeated it right in front of me."

The scientist's gaze focused on Erwins pale blue eyes. She knew he wasn't lying. But could a creature like this really exist? She had been focusing her work on titans her entire life... But what if there was more than just giant naked people? What if what Erwin was saying is true.

Erwin took her silence as a sign to continue.
"All I need you to help me with is to look through my fathers books, I knew he had a couple about supposed animals that live on the outside. I know you're the only one I can trust to not tell anyone about this. I know even a rumor could cause panic"

Hanji sighed, "Even if I believe you, how do you plan on meeting with it again? Our next expedition is in 2 months. And once we are out there, you can't just leave your squad for no reason"

Erwin visibly brightened at her cooperation.
"I already have a plan for that, it will be risky. But we can leave the walls on our own, with your position in the military we can-

"Woaaaah there slow down! Erwin I know you aren't stupid enough to just venture out there without any horses? Tell me you have at least thought about that?"

He nodded, "You're right, I did think about that. On today's expedition I porously left two horses behind. But as I was saying: with your position in the military we can clear the cadets by the canons near Shinganshina so nobody sees us climb down the wall."

Hanji stared at him, impressed that he had already planned that far ahead.

"Well then. I'll see what I can do about the guards, but before that how about you bring your fathers books over? It would be nice to know what we are dealing with first."

"Yes ma'am" he smiled and immediately got up to get them.

"I'll be back before dinner." he said before closing the door and leaving.

Hanji sat still for a couple minutes, genuinely considering the possibility of this creature. If it did exist she'd definitely want to experiment on it. She was also expecting Erwin to become commander soon. Shadis had his eye on him, Erwin was truly the perfect leader. His peers trusted and looked up at him, and that included her.

'Once he becomes commander there really isn't anything I can do about his little secret but to do as he says...'

'This better be worth it.'

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