Chapter VII - Petra Pissed Herself Again

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A/N: thats Moblit and Hanji

The group of soldiers trotted their horses along
the forest, being careful as to not make too much noise.

"Is anyone gonna tell me what are we doing?" Petra asked for the 100th time.

"You'll know soon enough..." Moblit responded.

Petra let out a grunt of frustration. "I won't be of any use if I don't know what we're doing!"

Hanji brought her horse closer to Petra who was mounted behind Erwin. "All you gotta do is help us slay any titans that we may come across"

Petra sighed "Yes commander..."

Erwin felt bad for Petra, what they were doing was totally sick and questionable. They did force her into this, the least they could do was let her know what was up. Besides, not like she could turn back now...

"Fine I'll tell you" Erwin finally said.

Petra looked up at him from behind, interested. While Hanji and Moblit simply stated at him surprised.

'Here goes nothing...' Eyebrows thought

"We are looking for a creature capable of taking down Titans and is friendly to us humans"

"What?!" Petra said confused.

"Oh and it can also fly and is 11 meters tall" followed Hanji.

"And it can understand our language apparently" added Moblit.

"WHAT!???!" exclaimed Petra.

"Shhhhhh" Moblit shushed her.

"This is crazy, how do you even know if this is real..." Petra said with a hushed tone.

"Because I saw it, it saved me from being eaten" Answered Erwin.

Petra stayed quiet as she soaked up all of the information. This was insane but also fascinating.

"Well I"- everyone stared at her nervously awaiting her answer.

"Well I am honored to be chosen for this mission"

"That's the spirit!" Hanji said smiling wide.

"I'm glad you've come around Ral" added Moblit

"Of course! now I understand why you wouldn't tell me...If anyone also found out about this creature and what you are doing the government would surely silence you!"

Erwin frowned at her statement "That is right Ral, we'd most likely be dead"

Petra visibly tensed at his response. Noticing this Hanji tried to lighten the mood.

"Think about it, if we find the creature it could be the key to learning more about the titans and the world beyond this!"

Their chit chat was interrupted by Erwin coming to an abrupt stop.

"We're here"

In front of them stood a large cave, the trees around were damaged and scratched. This is where Erwin battled the Abnormal. This is where he met you.

"Where are we?" Asked Petra as she and Erwin dismounted.

"This must be where you saw it am I right eyebrows?!" Hanji asked exited.

"That's right commander" Erwin walked towards the tree he remembered being placed on by you. The group now dismounted from their horses accompanied him.

"So what now?" Wondered Moblit.

"We'll shoot a flare every hour hopefully the creature will see it and come to us" Erwin said as he began to prepare the flare gun.

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