Chapter XXIV- Graduation

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The rain was pouring violently through the thick forest within wall Rose. Cadets carrying heavy backpacks had to run across mud as the heavy droplets soaked them from head to toe.

"Pick up the pace you lead-heeled laggards!"

Shadis shouted at the group—half encouraging them and half degrading the cadets, teasing them into quitting. Pushing them beyond their mental limits in order to make them crack under the pressure. His cruel words were almost as heavy on the cadets as the backpacks they carried.

Thankfully most of them had become used to the degradation, 2 years had passed already. Time flies when you're training every single day of the month with barely any breaks.

The fact also applied to those training the cadets.


You weren't as good at degrading as Shadis was. You sweat dropped at the realization of what you had said. Fortunately the cadets were far to busy trying not to die of exhaustion to care.


This time a couple of cadets looked up to you and your horse with fear in their eyes. However they did seem to run faster after your threats.


Shadis trotted over to you.

"Smith! You're supposed to encourage them, not seduce them!"

This isn't what you were expecting to be doing on a Thursday morning. Covered in mud, soaking wet, and with a sore throat caused by having to scream at cadets all morning.

"I'm trying my best here!" You shouted at Shadis.

He rolled his eyes. "Just don't get too creative with it!"

Yea right—you thought. Says the one who spends their free time coming up with new insults. Fun fact: Shadis had a whole notebook dedicated to that. The thing was enough to make a Titan cry.

Thunder sounded as the rain poured even more. Your horse huffed in annoyance, you patted their neck in comfortingly.

After promising to give (horse name) loads of treats later, you continued to trot besides the cadets. This time keeping your insults short.

Shadis was busy screaming at Armin who looked like he was about to give up. Meanwhile you spotted a hooded cadet tripping and falling into the mud.

"Oi! Titans won't forgive your clumsiness cadet! Get up and make your daddy proud!" You shouted.

'God why did I say daddy?'

Before you could scold yourself any further the hooded figure looked up at you and got up with a huff.

Your eyes widened realizing it had been Annie who fell. Now you regretted the daddy part even more.

"What are you staring at Leonheart!? Keep moving!"

Annie watched as you trotted further back to the other cadets. She kept running—frowning, she couldn't stop think about what you'd said.

"Make your daddy proud!"

Never in a million years would she call him "daddy"...

If her father knew about what it was like here, about who the "demons" really were. What would he think?

Annie saw in these people the same thing she saw within the ones in Marley—they were just people, clueless to the outside.

Clueless to their fate.

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