Chapter III- Impossible

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Blue eyes locked with yours.

Erwin stood frozen, his mouth slightly agape and eyes wide. Rather than fear, he felt fascinated and curious. This was something nobody else had ever seen before. Not once had there been a report of a beast such as this one. He remembered the roar Hanji was infatuated with. Erwin wondered if this creature had been the culprit. He wondered if you could be the next step to figuring out the truth of this world as his fathers shared dream flashed before his eyes.

You were exited to see Erwin, your heart softened at the thought of his death. You noticed that he looked younger, his eyes determined and strong. His gaze was serious, but you knew he wasn't afraid. 'Erwin Smith, he's the first one that must know I'm not a threat'  you stretched you body until you were face to face with him and let out a soft breath in an attempt to show your calmness. Erwin stood his ground, something... he wasn't sure what but it made him feel safe. You brought your snout up to his chest softly pressed it against him. This startled him a little, making him take out a blade with one hand and push back against you with the other. Trying to calm him, you let out a soft grunt and closed your eyes. It seemed to work for he lowered his blade and settled with placing both his hands on you. 'Is it trying to tell me something?' 

"Incredible..." Erwin carefully glided his fingers along your snout, wrapping his hand around some of the smaller horns and rubbing the boney surface with his thumb. Enjoying the feeling of his hands and the indirect complement, you opened you eyes and looked directly into his while grunting again.

Surprised, he stopped inspecting your skin but then moved to gaze at your eyes once again. There was something so human about them. How could an intimidating beast like yourself hold such humanity and kindness in its eyes? How come they had never seen you before. Why did you kill the titan but were letting him pet you? So many questions filled Erwins mind, each equally burning with the desire to be answered.

"What are you...?" 

Not really being able to answer, you pulled back and stretched your wings while letting out a small roar. You didn't want to repeat the titan incident.

Erwin climbed down from the tree and looked at you.

"So you're what made that noice 3 months ago..." he wasn't expecting an answer, but you looked at him and nodded while having flashbacks of the titans that had attacked you that day.  Astonished that you had nodded, Erwin asked.

"You can understand me?"

You let out a dragony laugh and nodded again.  "I'm really giving Erwin a show here haha!"

Shocked was an understatement as he looked up at you in amazement. Before he could say anything else, the voice of a man calling out Erwins name caught your attention. It seemed like the soldier Shadis had sent was finally catching up.

Not wanting anyone else to see, you turned around and stretched your wings, preparing to take off. Erwin saw this and intervened by running to stand in front of you.

"Wait! Don't go yet!" He sounded desperate as he didn't want to take the chance of never seeing you again.

"How can we meet again?"

He had a point so you bent your head down to his level and nudged him. Erwin stumbled only to be stopped by your winged arm on his back. For a moment he thought you might take off with him but instead you lifted your other arm from the ground and used your claws to take the green pendant he wore.

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