3 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭

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"Ahh!" Joohyun screamed as the person held her as she was about to fall. "I'm sorr-" she stopped when she saw the person, whom she never wanted to see again in her life. "You?" she saw the guy right in front of her. It was her ex 'Taehyung'. The past she was trying to go away from is right in front of her eyes again. Joohyun's heart was pounding real fast. It felt like her heart skipped a beat. And she was sweating as hell. "Why are you here? Why...why...whyyyy." Joohyun shouted. Thank god the no one was there. "Joohyun we need to talk. I wanted to tell you something." Tae said holding her shoulders. She yanked his hand off her shoulders. "What's left between us? Everything is over. Ju-just go away...don't show me yo-your face a-again." she fred herself from his grip and ran downstairs. She ran towards the main gate and soon escaped from there. Joohyun was continuously crying as she walked towards the city park near her house, the cold air hit her face gently, making her hair move a little. She sat down the bench there and hugged her knees, tears continuously flowing down her eyes like a river.

She sat there for a long time when she saw it's already evening. The sunset blessed her eyes but still she was sad. "Joohyun-aahh." Someone called out her name. On turning around Joohyun saw her mom coming towards her. " what happened? A-are you okay?" Joohyun could see worry in her eyes as she still hasn't returned home. "What happened? Your professor called me and told to take care of you. Are you okay?" her mom said hugging her, trapping her in her arms. "Yes eomma I'm o-okay!" she said giving her a fake smile. They both walked towards home.

[Joohyun's POV]


I and Taehyung were a really happy couple two months ago. I met him in the same college last year. He was in my class and also my seat partner. We slowly developed our friendship. Visiting each other's house became an everyday basis. Soon we developed more feelings for each other. He was the first one to confess me. We both were really happy with each other. And the most amazing thing was that our parents supported us. They were even ready for our marriage. But we thought we should wait for some more time, after graduation we would get married but things didn't go as planned. He soon started behaving weird towards me. My perspective was that maybe he is just frustrated due to college work. But it was something else. It was something I couldn't even think of.


I was sitting in my couch scrolling through instagram when I suddenly had a craving for ice cream after watching a video. I got up and got ready to go to the shop. "Maybe I should ask Tae to go with me?" I called him. "Tae are you free now? I'm gonna go and grab an ice cream. Will you go with me?"

"Um right now I'm busy with some work sorry very much. You can ask Jin." He said leaving me disappointed. "Uh-okay no problem I'll go alone." I hung up the call, took my car keys and drove towards the mall. It was 15 minutes away so I decided to take the car also I had to buy some things. I reached there and walked towards the ice cream shop and I saw something that left me stunned and terrified. The scene in front of me was heartbreaking. I saw Tae holding hands of a girl, they were looking into each other's eyes and they kissed and the way they were close clearly told everything and the most important thing; she was my cousin. I couldn't hold back my tears. I was quietly standing there observing them to make sure if I was thinking correct. Suddenly Tae turned his head towards me. He was shocked seeing me there. I gave him a smirk and left. You could say that I've only been running from everything in my fate. Luck was never with me. Everytime something good happened, it soon turned to something bad following by the bad news.

As I went outside the shop running towards my car, tears continuously flowing down, I could hear Tae's voice from behind. "Babe listen!" It's nothing like what you are thinking!!"

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐈𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐄𝐚𝐬𝐲 ✔- 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟. «𝐋𝐈𝐄» Where stories live. Discover now