8 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫

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[Joohyun's POV]

I was looking outside the window. "You look beautiful." Mr.Jeon said making me flinch. "Thank you." I said as a tint of dark crimson crept up to my cheeks. "Its not like other days you don't look beautiful..its just today you look more." He said.

I looked at him surprised. I just chuckled at him. The smile and blush didn't left my face for at least 10 mins. The ride was pretty long. Mr.Jeon told me that he is taking me to his favorite place. But the thing is it's half an hour away from his house.

"We're almost there." He spoke up after sometime. I nodded.

[Jungkook's POV]

While driving I saw Joohyun was quite bored. So I thought maybe music could help me bring her mesmerizing smile. The song started playing and it was "Safari by Serena" ,which I liked very much, in fact it was ma' favorite. I slowly started mumbling the lyrics.

And when I turned, I saw Y/N singing it with perfect lip synching and moving her hips and shoulders according to the beats rhythmically. She looked so hot.

Her hair swaying from side to side, her pinky lips touching each other, her hips moving against the car seat, eyes closed, feeling the song by heart. She surely belongs to me. I love that girl.

"Come on boy move that body, cuz tonight I'm naughty naughty

Dance with me like it's my party, we go wild, we're in safari!!"

She sang so melodically. Suddenly my eyes wander and falls down and guess what....a fucking boner.

I tried to distract myself from her and focus on driving. But my heart wanted something else. It always rules over me.

Finally after 3 minutes the song finishes and she stops. I cleared my throat before glancing at her. "Uh s-sorry sir. I couldn't c-control myself when this s-song comes." She said making me giggle at her cuteness and hotness at the same time.

"Its okay I understand." I said while she was adjusting her dress. No matter that she stopped, my boner was still there and I was sweating.

Joohyun really holds so much power. I just hoped she doesn't see it. But I could hardly remember when my luck is in my favor, she saw it. She glanced at it and looked away.

I could feel my cheeks getting heated, as a blush crept on my face. I bet I was full red. But now I totally diverted my attention to driving. Suddenly the same song started playing again.


I shouted making her jump a little. She quickly turned it off, staring at me in fear. "Oh I didn't meant to scare you sor-ry."

Joohyun's POV

"Don't y-you like that so-ng?" I asked slowly. "No I like it it's just that we are here now." He said as I looks around and saw a beautiful café restaurant.

I smiled at him and we both got out of the car. I looked at the surrounding and saw "Lavender lovlies" written on the big board. I never knew such a beautiful place would exist in here.

"Come let's go." He said holding my hand. His hand was cold as ice. "Sir are you feeling cold?" I asked. "You make me feel cold and strict by calling me sir every time." He pouted his lips.

"Sorry...Jungkook." I said and touched his pouty lips with my finger. Gosh! I don't know from where I got the courage to do that.

But I just did what my heart made me do. He looked surprised when I did this. Also shocked at the name as I never called him that so frankly. "Wait- what did you just call me?" he asked, cutely.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐈𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐄𝐚𝐬𝐲 ✔- 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟. «𝐋𝐈𝐄» Where stories live. Discover now