23 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐥

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I woke up to an unfamiliar feeling that I felt on my back. I found myself laying down on the backseat of the car and wait- the car! Omg, the car was moving! Someone was driving it but somehow I couldn't see who that person was because he was at a good distance. I sat up in the seat slowly while adjusting my black gown.

The driver didn't seem to be any of my friends. There was a man, maybe middle-aged, who was wearing a black suit with a black cap on his head. I tried to look at his face but I couldn't. I could clearly feel my heart speed up out of fear, maybe he was kidnapper or something? But he surely doesn't looks like one. And I guess he still doesn't know that I'm awake? Maybe?........

......."We'll be there in a minute, ma'am!" He suddenly spoke up making me flinch and jump a little on my seat, my head quickly snapping towards his face as he turned back at me. He smiled at me and continued driving, his eyes focused on the road.

I can say that he isn't kidnapping me but who knows. "C-can I know who are you and where are you taking me? And if you're kidnapping me, then don't cuz-" I dared to ask him this with my hands turning all cold and my heart thumping harder than I can imagine. But I got cuffed off by him, "Calm Down Mrs. Joohyun, I ain't a kidnapper! You'll like it once you see where you're going!" He told me, turning his gaze back on the road and continues driving again. But wait- did he.... Did he just addressed me as....Mrs. Joohyun? Like....seriously?

I turned my head to the left while trying to figure out where I was being taken to, ignoring his remark on my name.

"I'm Mr. Hwang! Chief driver of the Signiel Seoul hotel!" he told me about himself making my mouth go wide. Like.....the chief driver of the best 5-star hotel in whole Seoul is taking me who knows where in my boyfriend's car?

"We're here ma'am!" The car came to a vault, taking me out of the world of my thoughts. I looked at him as he smiled and got out of the car. I adjusted myself a little, like my hair and all before getting ready to look outside at the place where I was. The door on my left side suddenly opened revealing Mr. Hwang, who opened the door for me. Aww, he is kind!

He forwarded his hand in front of me. I took his hand and slowly stepped out of the car while holding my dress with the other. It was a little heavy after all. "Thank you!" I smiled at him and he bowed giving me a smile back while walking towards the building.

I looked at the building and damn! I guessed right! He took me to the same hotel he told me about; Signiel Seoul. The hotel was tall and the lights emitting from the building were all so perfect.

"This way!" I was staring and eye-admiring the beauty of this building when someone said that, I looked at the voice of the owner and found Mr. Hwang indicating me to the gate. I got inside with him and damn, this was the best hotel I've ever seen. But- god! In between of all this I almost forgot about Jungkook and all, like.....how did I forget about them. I have a feeling that maybe it's Jungkook who called me here but at the same time, they went to call the mechanic but how can the driver get the key. Ah!!! Maybe I know now who's this person who called me here.

I followed him inside. There was a girl in the reception who smiled at me and bowed at me. She then got up from her chair and came to me, while giving me a piece of blue velvet paper. I hesitantly took it and opened it,

"The green door is waiting!"

"Green door?" I asked her while furrowing my brows at her, she nodded and pointed at her left, my gaze followed her finger and I saw an emerald green door there.

[End of Joohyun's POV]

She slowly walked to the door and turned the knob finding a big and lighted garden there. It seemed like the back side of the building, which means she's out of the building. And now she was starting to get scared as no one else was there, Mr. Hwang disappeared somewhere, and it was getting dark too, well it already was dark. She herself didn't knew why she was doing this but at the same time she felt secured somehow, she wasn't scared.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐈𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐄𝐚𝐬𝐲 ✔- 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟. «𝐋𝐈𝐄» Where stories live. Discover now