16 - 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠?

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"WHAT- WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON??" Nicky shouted at Joohyun and the others.

"You gave me a surprise, so did I! We are equal!" Joohyun spoke with the little energy left in her body due to the drug. "So.....you knew from the starting?" Nicky asked her, followed by a puzzled look to Jungkook, who was standing there with a expressionless face.

"Not from the starting tho....!" She replied smiling at her. "Well if you want then I can explain you how and when, only if you want of course!" Jungkook who was leaning against the doorframe behind Jennie and Taehyung told her.

"Okay so I take that silence as a yes!....now listen to me very carefully!

What happened was....till a long time we didn't got to know about it, you see?....Like after the drug incident, Joohyun was totally sure that it would be the same person as the text one.....so she started tracking it!....Though she said its of no use, she tried and tried, and then you made a mistake and it was really easy for us!" Jungkook said to her, which made her twitch her eyebrows at the statement. She was totally confused. "What mistake are you talking about?"

"You remember when you sent her a text saying "Second last warning"? That time you were sitting on the first seat in the classroom, and maybe you should've seen if someone was there or not......'cause she was!.....she was at the back and saw everything you did in there! Then she told Joohyun about it, also everything you did after collecting some evidences which you probably never noticed!

Also after the text thing, she was also there when you came to my house to drug me, she knew everything!......She just collected some evidences, recorded them and showed to us....that's how your game is over!"

Jungkook finally finished speaking and then Nicky turned around and asked him. "What!?! Bu-But who is this 'she'?" she sluttered a little, sweat already dripping from her forehead.

"Hi baby!!" The door opened and there was Sora standing with a cop there. "You....you were....with them? Arghhh! What are you guys even saying? I- I can't understand a single thing!" Nicky pointed her fingers towards Joohyun.

"Okay! So lemme sum everything up okay?.............So.....some days ago....when I was sitting in the library, Sora came to me........


Actually the thing was that I stayed at the library after the school was dismissed for some of the work on my projects, but certainly I dropped the idea of working on it now as the library was totally empty, so I decided to just relax in the silence without any disturbance. Suddenly I got a text, again from the same number "You Bitch! Now I gotta show you real love! Just wait.....and watch!"

Godddd! This girl....I mean like I don't even have a way to get to her now, if I try to track her phone it will be of no use, cuz I know she won't be doing it from her initial place.


I heard the door opening with someone getting in!!....Sora?

(Changing to conversation text for a while)

Sora: Hey!

Joohyun: Sora! See if you came here to hit me again, then don't!....I gotta take action on you, do you unde-

Sora: Noo! Its.....its not that!....I'm here to....to

Joohyun: To?.....k-kill me?

Sora: To........help you and........ask for something! Can.....I?

Joohyun: W-what?

Sora: Will you.........please.......
please forgive me?

Joohyun: Forgive you? For....what?

Sora: For behaving so bad.....soo bad with you!....I- I can't forgive myself for what I did!!....I....always bad-mouthed you....always! Always hated you....intentionally hurt you....I- I even hit you....just....I hate myself....

Joohyun: Omo! Sora why....why are you crying oh god!!....look at me! Look at me!!....don't cryyyyy!!

She hugged her as she started crying so much, so much that it was uncontrollable.

Sora: No Joohyun! I don't deserve all this....I don't deserve...the respect and care you give me!

Joohyun: But what....happened?

Sora: Its that......from the starting I've been thinking that you are trying to steal Mr.Jeon, whom I've a crush on, I....I thought you are trying to seduce him, to make him yours when he doesn't even love you, I also tried to hurt you....even your head was so miserly hurt just because of me....all because of me. But now....now I realized how much he loves you, how much he cares for you, and after knowing that fact that you both are made for each other, I won't admit the sin to separate you both, I swear and.....talking about blame, I always blamed you for everything when its someone else to be blamed for!......for everything!!!!

Joohyun: W-who??

Sora: Its....its Nicky!....I know maybe you won't believe me but trust me....she's the one who caused all this!....At first she started having a crush on Jungkook and you already know how dangerous she is when she wants something!....When she found out that you are living with him and all, she started planning everything, kept an eye on you both 24 hours, Al's those threatening texts were sent by her. She also faked to you about the whole fiancée thing....I hadn't told her anything....and the most important thing, sh-she was the one to drug Jungkook.....trust me!!....Please Joohyun....I know its hard but please do!.....just one time!....I'm not lying.

Joohyun: I.......trust you! I understand your feelings, only if you're speaking the truth if course.....I know Nicky very well!....what she did in the last with all the teachers who got fired from their job just because her foolishness, I am also not that much surprised by knowing the truth, although......I'm a little but....maybe I shouldn't have had trusted her!....but.........why should I trust you? I mean like I understand what you're trying to express and I appreciate you came all the way here to tell me all this and I forgive you but.....

Sora: Don't worry! I understand its hard to believe someone who had always wanted bad for you....so...come with me! I have some proofs and evidences against her!

{End of FlAsHbAcK}

"She told me everything about your......dirty plan!" Joohyun finished narrating out the story to her, though she had no energy to speak, she somehow managed to do so.

"You literally.....backstabbed me Sora.....I WON'T FORGIVE YOU.....I WON'T FORGIVE ANY ONE OF YOU!!" Nicky shouted while grabbing the knife in her hand tighter and making her way towards Joohyun, who was still tied to the chair, only she managed to take the cloth out of her mouth to speak. She grabbed the knife and touched Joohyun's neck with it, pressing the sharp end hardly against her skin of her neck. "Nicky No!! Don't you dare to!" Jungkook shouted while stepping ahead a little.

"Back off!" she assured them to not come to her and save Joohyun. Jennie and Taehyung shuffled a bit towards Jungkook and whispered "Don't worry! She still hasn't noticed Taehyung I guess!...." Jungkook nodded and eventually saw Taehyung slowly shift towards Nicky and swiftly took the knife out of her hand from the back and pushed her off of Joohyun, with that the cops too came in front and caught Nicky.

"Now....you wanna say something?" Jennie gave a big and hard slap on her right cheek. "Rot in hell you bitch!!" she shouted at Nicky, followed by the cops taking her away, finally leaving them sigh out of relief.

"God this day can't get better now tho!" Tae sat at the empty chair and Jungkook helped untie Joohyun.

"Finally!.......everything is over!" Joohyun smiled at him.


"𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆.....𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒔...."

〚1329 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬〛

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