4 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬

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"Welcome back sweetie..look who we have here.." Joohyun's mom opened the door and she hugged her. Then she turned her head towards where she pointed. She was mouth hunged when she saw Tae sitting in the couch with his mom and dad, his parents waving at her as she dropped her bag on the floor. She was literally speechless by seeing them. "Sweetie....Mr. and Mrs. Kim are here after a long time....they came specially to meet us." her mom said.

"But omma-"

"It's really good to see you after a long time. You've become more beautiful." Mrs.Kim cutted her off. "And also you both are grown up now so we can decide accordingly." Mr.Kim smiled. She actually knew what he was talking about. "Anyways you go and freshen up, then we will talk." Joohyun's mom said giving her a cheerful smile. She was still in shock but still managed to go to her room and took a shower. "Ughhh! Goddd! Help mee!" she cried. "I should tell Jennie about it...maybe she can help." She thought and called her and told her everything. "Whattt!!!" Jennie screamed. "Okay girl listen to me... first calm yourself and breathe." She said as she heard her sobs. "Now do as I say...go downstairs and listen to what they are saying and if they talk about marriage then tell them the truth and I hope Tae also doesn't lie okay?" she suggested and Joohyun replied. "Ohk." she hung up the call and went downstairs. "Oh you're here..come and sit here." Her mom indicated her to sit near Tae.

(Changing to conversation text)

Mr.Kim : "Joohyun you've always took care of our Tae and I hope you will in future too."

She was silent.

Mrs.Kim : "You both love each other and also you've grown up. So what about getting married?"

Joohyun looked at Tae who was looking at her at the same time.

Mrs.Lee : " That's a great news! What do you say dear?"

Her mom patted her back. Suddenly Joohyun stood up.

Joohyun : "There's something I want tell you all.*sigh*
The truth is that me and Tae have broken up a long time ago before you all were transferred to Incheon. And when talking about the reason, he cheated on me with my cousin. One day I wanted to go and grab an ice cream so I asked him if he would go with me. But he said he had some work so I went alone. When I went there I saw him kissing my cousin and they looked really happy with each other. So I let him stay with her."

Mrs.Kim : "Is s-she telling t-the truth Tae??"

Tae nodded.

Tae : I always wanted to tell this to you guys but both never listened to me, you both were always busy with your work I never got the chance to tell it."

He shifts his gaze to her.

Tae : "and yes I did a big mistake, I left a girl like you....I know it's really doesn't worth forgiveness and you don't need to give a second chance to me...j-just don't hate me.."

He said with his glossy eyes in which Joohyun could clearly see guilt.

Joohyun : "It's okay I forgive you...you're right I will not give you a second chance...and it's okay if you fell out of love me but at least you could have told me...I would have understood...but you didn't..."

She said and ran towards her room.

"She is right you would have told her and you hurted her so much....you shouldn't have done this!!" Mrs.Kim said.

"Mrs.Lee please forgive Tae...I know he has hurted your daughter a lot and he should pay for this but please forgive us." Mrs.Kim said pleading to her mom. "It's okay I forgive him and Taehyung! What happened just forget it now..and if you love her cousin then that's okay but just don't break her heart like you did to Joohyun okay?" her mom said to Taehyung. "I pro-promise.." Tae said crying.

Joohyun's mom hugged him.


Joohyun was sitting in her room feeling a little relieved. Just then someone opened the door, she turned around and saw Mrs.Kim standing there. She came and sat beside her. "Joohyun! how are you?"

"I-I'm good." She gave her a fake smile.

"I totally understand what it is like to be betrayed. I can feel that and what Taehyung did to a girl like you is really unfair. I really admire you that you still so strong just like your mom. And he is really guilty now but I'm not at all forcing you to give him a second chance but just don't break our relation. Whether you accept him or not..whether you love him or not but you'll always be my daughter, my strong daughter. I'm again really sorry from his side and I wish you all the best for your future. May you get all the happiness you deserve...and don't forget to come and meet us in Incheon. God bless you. And you know what? I command you to be my daughter in next life." Mrs.Kim said making Joohyun cry by her beautiful words and hugged her.

"Thank you so much...love you..and sure I will be your daughter" Joohyun said. "Love you too....and don't forget what I said okay?"

"yeah I will come to meet you guys for sure and tell Tae that I forgave him.." she said. "Really?? Thank you so much." She said as she hugged Joohyun and left.

[Joohyun's POV]

I was sitting in my room at night when I suddenly remembered Jungkook uh I mean Mr.Jeon. Everything was solved today but still I was not ready to be in a new relationship. Idk why but still I remembered each and every moment when I was kissing him. I really saw love and affection in his eyes.

(i need love and affeccctionnn loveeee love love love loveeee love love love :'))

[END OF Joohyun's POV]


Joohyun woke up as the sun hit her beautiful face with it's golden rays. She freshened up herself and went downstairs. "Good morning honey." suddenly her father said. She ran up to him and hugged him as he has came back home after like 3 weeks from a business trip. "Good morning appa. I'm so happy happy to see you after a long time." she said as he caressed her hair. "Come and have breakfast you two!" Mrs.Bae shouted from the kitchen. "What's for breakfast eomma (mom)?" She asked her. "Moo sangchae, oi naengguk and kimbap with kimchi."

"Wow that's a lot." she clapped her hands excitedly.

She served the breakfast and Joohyun asked. "Eomma can I go and have breakfast in my room?"

"Why not?" her mom grinned, then she glanced towards Mr.Jeon for the consent. He nodded as a yes and smiled at her. Joohyun went to her room and started having her breakfast. Just then someone messaged her. And as always it was "JUNGKOOK" oops I mean "MR.JEON" ....hehe!


"You don't meet people by accident. There's always a reason. A lesson, a blessing or happiness."

〚1203 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬〛

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