20 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐲 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩

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"Yah!" Tae flicked Joohyun's forehead, getting a whine from her. "What? You both are really silly! Specially this penguin!" Jennie slapped Taehyung's chest as he booped her nose playfully, earning a chuckle from him as he glared at both of them with an annoying face.

"Ah! Hyung it's okaaaay! It isn't their fault after al- hmm! I- I'll shut my mouth!" Jungkook quickly put on his index finger on his lips a soon as he saw the fuming glare from his hyung. Actually due to the close relationship they four had, he started calling him 'hyung', both by the name and by his heart too.

Taehyung was right now really mad because the plan that he and Jungkook were making was not working out well. What happened was.......


She was excited but at the same time, deep inside she was a little scared too. "Wha- eh- What happened????" she asked her, a worried expression stuck on her face like something bad was gonna come. "I........don't know....Tae and Jungkook......they-"

"What-what happened to them? TELL ME!!" she snapped out on hearing their name and the kind of vibe Jennie gave at that time added more to her worries.

"They are gone........!" she finished.

"What!!?!?" Joohyun was in wide shock on hearing the news broken freshly to her. She quickly got up from the bed and placed her hand on Jennie's shoulder holding her tightly, eyes still wide.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?" she said in a high voice, well.....maybe she was overreacting a bit more than she should but she wasn't at fault too.

Before that night, in the afternoon when she was taking a small nap, she adaged and came across a miserable nightmare in which she was all alone, where all four of them; including Stella evanescenced from her, leaving her all broken.

It was the worst nightmare she could ever have. That's why she was like that on hearing that.

"I don't know baby.....actually, I woke up and had some work with Tae so I tried to find him and as you know he doesn't sleep at night much, so I went to his room,
but he wasn't their, also Jungkook's room was opened, so I went there and he wasn't there too. They weren't there in their rooms." she explained and pouted after finishing the sentence with a worried expression plastered on her face.

"Wha- but wait- Can I ask....what work YOU had with Tae at this time of the nigh- omg! It's 3 am.....Are. You. Serious. ??" the doubt that she got in her mind was totally explainable.

At night, also at 3 am, she suddenly has some work with Taehyung, she searches for him, but he is not there in his room, also Jungkook's room which is in between of Tae's and Joohyun's room, the door was opened in there and he was not there. Something really wasn't right.

{ [A/N :- Smells fishy, right? }

Jennie was standing still after hearing the question from her best friend who was staring at her, while waiting for an explanation. "Tell me??" She again enquired, hands crossed across her chest, eyebrows twitched up.

"Um....Actually....Tae wanted to talk. You know, he usually doesn't sleep much at night, so....he asked me to come there whenever I can't sleep. Its...nothing else tho!" she assured her with a nervous smile prominently displaying the emotion inside her veins.

On hearing this, Joohyun's expression softened a bit. Ecstatic and a happy rush through her veins really got hidden by her neutral face, but inside, she was more than happy. She really shipped both of them really happily, always wanted to see them together, in love to be specific.

"Oh....well that's great but right now.....WHERE ARE THEYYYY!!!" she suddenly remembered about the main thing and shouted, running outdoors taking Jennie with her as they went to search them.


It was only 15 minutes since when they went out to search them while continuously trying to reach for them by a call, but they weren't picking it up.

"I'll kill these two dickheads now!" Joohyun screamed in frustration. Like, just think about it, two girls were searching for two boys at 4 am in the night who disappeared magically, god knows where.

""Don't worry we will find them." Jennie patted her back, she was really worried seeing her like this. A tiny and glistening tear left Joohyun eyelids while she dropped her body to the floor, causing her best friend to instantly hold her shoulder.

"Joohyun! Are you okay?" a weak glint of worry and fear spread all through her body, making her all weak. "I'm okay but....Jungk- Tae-" she started sobbing quietly, while Jennie held her tightly close to her. She was so much worried. Not forgetting the fact that they were both sitting in middle of the road and that also at past midnight.

"Gosh!! Don't worry......I'm sure they will be fin- uh look!!! Omo LOOK! They are calling!!!!!!" she shouted involuntarily as she held her phone in her shaky hands and accepted the incoming call from her friend; Tae. "Hello?" she put her phone on speaker and extended her phone to Joohyun. "Where are you both at this hour? Come home now!!" they could hear Taehyung slightly shout from the other line. Fuming, without even answering to him, Joohyun snatched the phone from her and ended the call by punching on the red button furiously. "Let's go!"


"Are you both stupid or what??" both of the boys whined as Joohyun was pulling their ear, making it go red in no time. "Ah! Ah! Ah! I said sorry! Uff!" Taehyung whined loudly as he held onto her hand, while begging her to stop it. "It was hyung's idea!" And here on the other hand, Jungkook was giggling while trying to make her leave his ear.

Their cute whining made both of the girls giggle. At last she left their ears, causing them to slowly caress their almost-red ear.

"You both fucking disappear at fucking 3 am at night without even fucking telling us, and then fucking shout on us asking where the fuck we are at and fucking tell us to fucking come back home?" Joohyun shouted at them with fuming eyes, causing Jennie to stomp her feet towards her and hold her shoulders while dragging her slolwy at a distance from them, so that she doesn't crush those two boys like a lettuce between a sandwich.

"Its okay honey! Let them go, we need our beauty sleep now. And you both?" she snapped her fingers at them by rubbing her middle and the index finger and pointed her index at them and continued, "Better be ready for an explanation tomorrow morning! We have to complete our beauty sleep!" Jennie shouted at them and held Joohyun's hand dragging her upstairs with her.

Just then Taehyung stopped them, "You're wrong!......Not a beauty sleep, but a sexy sleep." he winked at them and left to the kitchen on the left side of the stairs. They both were shocked by his statement. And when they looked at Jungkook, he too was wide-eyed but soon, his open mouth turned into a smirk.

"Hyung isn't wrong tho sexy pies!" he too winked and left begin his hyung. "Gosh! I said they both are so dirty minded!" Jennie twitched her eyebrows getting back a sigh from her best friend, "I already know......perverts!" She replied in a weak yet agreeable tone.


"𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒗𝒆𝒔....."

〚1265 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬〛

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