19 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲

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"I.....and Jungkook!.........we......love each other!" She blurted out wasting no time.

Her heart almost exploded out of her chest while she finally told them the thing.

"Is that the truth Jungkook?" Mr.Jeon asked him when he froze right then and there and slowly stood up. His face was hanging down which he soon lifted up and replied them with "Yes!! That's the truth! I love her and she loves me!" he clarified to them.

"Truly this day can't get better!" Mrs.Jeon stood up and extended her hand to Joohyun's mom and she gladly accepted it and shaked it happily, then glancing over to Jungkook, she went to him and hugged him tight.

And there, Mr.Jeon went up to her dad and hugged him too straight away. Jungkook and Joohyun who were standing there dumbfounded looked at each other in dismiss as nothing of the any gestures by their parents was being understood by them, it was simply flying away from their mind like the birds that just got released from a closed cage after hundred years.

While they were whispering between themselves, Jungkook looked at Joohyun and slowly shifted towards her and whispered in her ear. "What's going on? Are they going to throw us out in the streets?" he elbows her hand. "I think so!" she responded lowly.

"So......" Mr.Jeon starts by clearing his throat grabbing everyone's attention. Joohyun flinched when he suddenly spoke up.

Mrs.Jeon: "Omg! I'm so happy for
you both!"

Mrs.Bae: "Same here with me!"

Mr.Jeon: "Okay ladies! Calm down......they....they are not at all able to understand what's going on with us!

Mr.Bae: "Apparently!.....hmm....so lemme tell you guys!

They both were standing there like two mouses who's waiting between a group of cats, discussing whether to eat them or not.

Mr.Bae: "We.......always wanted you both to get together! Like.....I knew Jungkook from his childhood and so did Mister and Misses Jeon knew you from your childhood. And......we always wanted to see you both together and today's the day!

When he finished it, Jungkook and Joohyun froze dead in their place itself. This chaos really gave them prominent goosebumps, not ignoring the fact that they were sweating throughout the whole scene in there.

They never really thought that their parents could surprise them to this extent, which was totally giving them rushes of euphoria through their veins.

Mr.Jeon : "Surprise darlings!! Haha.....yeah its the truth! We are truly happy."

The atmosphere in there was really good.

Mrs.Bae : "But yeah, if you guys don't tell me about your love story, 'while we were gone', I would be totally offended."

Joohyun mom joked, making them giggle at her. "Of course, we will! But first.......thank you so much to all of you, I....I'm so happy....love you all so much!" Joohyun hugged her mom and thanked them truly with her heart, a small tear slowly escaping her eyelid.

"We love you too Joohyun!"


"Now you know what to do right Jungkook?" His mom asked him while holding his hand and placing it on her lap. "Of course I do mom!" He smiled at her cheekily.

They were listening to their story really attentively in the terrace, where they were having their night coffee together after dinner. Both of their mom and dad were intense tired from all the traveling and those tight and hectic schedules on a daily basis during their trip, but now it was really not the time to chill out or relax at all.

It was about 'the greatest, epic and the loveliest love story', according to them, it was the most important thing at the moment more than their sleep and rest. They really wanted to know everything and certainly they did.

A rush of surprise was in their veins after knowing the main climax actually, "WHAT!?!! Nicky.....Nic- She....she did that?" Joohyun's mom was really shocked.

Well......how can she not be! She has seen her daughter with her from her childhood, she really trusted her so much. Who......didn't? Everyone did trusted her, but.......she was just a girl with a sugar-coated mask that got off really easily because of her stupidness in some stuffs.

"Yes eomma! She did....she really did all of that to us......who loved her so much!" Joohyun ends it with a tear drop that escapes her eyelid in no time and her mom wipes it quickly, not wanting to see her daughter like that.

"Don't worry my baby, everything is fine now. She got her karma back to her and I'm totally sure that Jungkook is the perfect one for you who will always love and cherish you." she said, Mr.Jeon replied soon after, "Indeed!" all of them agreed to that, including Joohyun herself.

Truly it was a beautiful moment, both of them were together, and not ignoring the fact that both of their parents agreed to whatever they were comfortable with, moreover, the nature.......the nature never failed to show up at the correct time and make the atmosphere more happy than every.

The moon, which has always been with Joohyun from her childhood, who gave her the assurance of her happiness, that was soon to come, showed up at the right time, emerging from between the grey clouds of the night, giving off its beautiful and elegant light on the terrace, while they chatted the whole night thereafter. It was all like a dream....


*Next Day*

"GET UPPPPPPPP!!!!" Joohyun glinted her eyes open and saw Jennie shouting at her, standing by the side of the bed.

"Ugh!! Why are you shouting like a hen- wait....its- OMG its still night and you're already waking me up??" her morning face was really cute, anyone would love to hug and squeeze her tightly and pinch her cheeks. She pouted like a baby making her best friend, standing there, smile widely at her and went up to her.

"No baby!! I'm not waking you up just without any reason. Cuz there is a reason! A big big big reason....." she somehow had a mixed kind of expression, which Joohyun wasn't quite sure about the feeling.

She was excited but at the same time, deep inside she was a little scared too. "Wha- eh- What happened????" she asked her, a worried expression stuck on her face like something bad was gonna come. "I........don't know....Tae and Jungkook......they-"

"What-what happened to them? TELL ME!!" she snapped out on hearing their name and the kind of vibe Jennie gave at that time added more to her worries.

"They are gone........!" she finished.



"𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒔𝒕....."

〚1118 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬〛

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