Chapter 2

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The first week of school went great. I talked to Blaine in our classes and sat with Rachel and Mercedes at lunch. It was now the second week back at school and Glee Club was starting up again. I walked into the choir room and everyone was chatting.

"Kurt, where's your boyfriend?" Puck asked causing everyone to burst out into laughter.

"Stop. You're an ass."

"Thanks!" He grabbed my shoulder and pushed me towards the group.

"Who's his boyfriend?" Britany whispered to Santana who rolled her eyes at the question.

"Yeah, who's your boyfriend?" I turned around and saw Blaine which made this moment so much worse.

"No one. They're just being weird." He smirked and nodded. "So, why are you here?"

"This is glee club, right?"


"Well I wanted to audition. I was in a glee club at Dalton and yeah."

"That's great!" Mr. Schue said, walking over after listening from the door. "Everyone sit down and we'll have—"


"—we'll have Blaine perform." We all sat like he said as Blaine sat at the piano and started playing. How is he so perfect? He is cute and hot at the same time, like the nicest person I've met, super funny, and can play piano. If he can sing well then I might just pass out.

I woke up and saw the sun today
You came by without a warning
You put a smile on my face
I want that for every morning

What is it I'm feeling?
'Cause I can't let it go
If seeing is believing
Then I already know

I'm falling fast
I hope this lasts
I'm falling hard for you
I say "let's take a chance"
Take it while we can
I know you feel it too

I'm falling fast
I'm falling fast

Everyone smiled and stared at me as he continued singing. Why was he singing this? Does he actually like me? Maybe it's someone else. I mean, it has to be, right?

It doesn't matter what we do
You make everything seem brighter
I never knew I needed you
Like a sad song needs a sea of lighters

What is it I'm feeling?
'Cause I can't let it go
If seeing is believing
I already know

I'm falling fast
'Cause I hope this lasts
'Cause I'm falling hard for you
I say "let's take a chance"
Take it while we can
'Cause I know you feel it too

I'm falling fast
I'm falling fast

I hope you know
I hope it lasts
I'm falling hard, I'm falling fast
We can go, no holding back

I'm falling fast
I hope this lasts
I'm falling hard for you
I say "let's take a chance"
Take it while we can
I know you feel it too

I'm falling fast
I'm falling fast

He finished the song as I realized I never pulled my gaze away the whole time. Everyone started clapping.

"I think I speak for everyone when I say, you're in!" He smiled and looked at me. Of course I had to be already smiling back. God, why can't I stop smiling?!

"I agree he should be in but I do have a question." Quinn said. "Why the song choice?"

"I heard it on the radio and thought it had a good tune and beat and everything." She nodded.

"Oh, alright."

"You can sit wherever you'd like." He walked to the back and sat next to me.

"You're a great singer." I whispered.


"You're welcome." As glee club started, everyone listened to Will. We talked about how the year would look, when certain events take place, and basically just everything we need to know about glee club. After it ended, I went home with Finn and we started doing homework. I was in my room when there was a knock on the door. Finn answered it and saw Rachel standing there.

"Kurt's upstairs."

"I need to talk to you."

"Oh, okay. What's up?"

"We both know Kurt and Blaine like each other and are meant for each other but they're both idiots. We need to help them get together." Finn smiled.

"Yes, we do." They heard a door open upstairs which was me. "Kurt's coming but I'll text you or you text me. Okay?" She nodded as he shut the door and ran to the couch. I walked into the room, unaware of their plan.

"Hey Finn. Do you know when dad will be home?"

"I don't know."

"Well, I'm hungry." The rest of the night was normal. We ate dinner, finished homework, watched tv, got ready for bed, and of course went to sleep. That night, there was one thing different. Finn and Rachel texting. They came up with a plan and set it in place.

After glee club on Thursday, I went to the restroom like usual and Finn pushed Blaine in, holding the door shut. I looked back as he stumbled in. He tried pushing the door open but it didn't work. They both tried and still, it didn't budge.

"Why's he locking us in here?"

"He thinks we like each other." I said, rolling my eyes. Blaine nodded and sat down, leaning against the wall.

"How longs he gonna keep us in here?" I shrugged, unsure. We both pulled out our homework and started it. About a half an hour later, Finn and Rachel walked in.

"You're seriously doing homework right now." I put my things back in my backpack and walked to the car saying nothing. Finn arrived soon enough and drove them home. "So, how was your day?" He asked on our ride. I didn't answer. "Are you mad at me?" Of course I was but was I going to talk? No. He stopped the car in the driveway and looked at me. I reached for the door handle but he locked it. "Look at me."


"No! You know I only did it—" I held the lock open and opened the door, storming inside. My dad looked at me as I ran upstairs, anger written all over my face.

"KURT!" Finn yelled as he walked in.

"Why's he mad?"

"Cause Rachel and I tried getting him and Blaine together and he wasn't happy."

"Blaine? Oh, is he that kid that Kurt has a crush on?"


"Oh." Finn sat on the couch as Burt played his show.

The rest of the night I stayed in my room and didn't even go back down for dinner. I decided to text Blaine before bed since we exchanged numbers last week.

Me: Hey Blaine, it's Kurt! I just wanted to say sorry that Finn and Rachel did that. You are new and during your second week you get held captive. I know it's probably not something that would happen at Dalton but I swear they're not normally like this

It took a few minutes for him to reply but eventually he did and of course I had to smile at the notification.

Blaine: Hey Kurt! It's okay. It's not exactly Dalton but I love it. Most people are nice and I enjoy glee club a lot. Plus, if I were to be locked in a room with anyone, you'd be the best person to be with. Thanks for being a great friend!

Yikes... friend? Maybe I shouldn't have texted him. I mean, I'd never admit I liked him but I'd never say we're friends. Of course that's what we are though. Just friends.

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