Chapter 25

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I arrived at work a few days later and was with Haley again. She's one of my best friends so had to question me.

"What happened? Did you guys hang out?" I nodded.


"Did you guys hook up?"

"No." I smiled even though literally nothing happened.

"You're lying."

"I swear we didn't. I don't know what's wrong with me." She laughed at me.

"You don't know?"

"Shut up Haley." She turned me around and pushed me forward. I stopped myself with the counter before looking up into Blaines eyes as he walked up to the counter.

"Didn't know you were working today. I'm always getting coffee before class which is apparently when you work." I laughed.

"Yeah. Umm— so I was thinking we should hang out again soon."


"I'll text you later then."

"Okay. Also, I sent in an application to work here so cross your fingers." I smiled and nodded.

"I know your order unless you're mixing it up this time."

"Nope. Same thing." He paid before walking to the end. I made his coffee and Haley watched Blaine carefully. She walked over as I was finishing up his coffee.

"He's checking out your ass." I looked back and saw Blaine look up and smile.

"Stop." Haley laughed and started making the coffee order she took. I turned around to give him his coffee and saw him look up again. "Blaine." We both laughed as I walked over.

"What? I need something to think about in class and give you something to keep in your head all day." He walked away and turned around before looking back. Damn it Blaine... Haley walked over and chuckled.

"Now who's staring?" She handed the coffee to the person and we waited for more people to come.

"Sorry but he's got one fine ass." She looked over as he exited and I slapped her arm.

"What? I was seeing if you were right." We both laughed. "And you are by the way." She said going to the register to take someone's order.

Later that week I was checking myself out in the mirror as Rachel and Santana were getting the place straightened up.

"You look fine Kurt." Rachel said. I groaned and walked away.

"Whatever." There was a knock on the door after a second and I took a deep breath before walking over and opening it.

"Hey." Blaine said, smiling.

"Uhh— hi. Come in." He took a step in and Rachel walked over, giving him a hug.

"Hey Rachel! How are you?"

"Good! How about you?"

"Really good actually." She smiled at him.

"So, come sit down."

"Thanks." We all sat in the living room and started talking. "What's new with you guys?"

"Brittany is wanting to move here soon. I already told you I'm planning to get my own place so yeah. That's pretty much it."

"You going to college." She shrugged.

"Okay. What about you Rachel?"

"Going to NYADA which results in a lot of work for that but I'm also working at this restaurant with Santana." He nodded.

"We do have to go to work in a little bit we wanted to say hi and talk a bit before leaving."

"It's so amazing see you all. Best friend group by far." We all laughed.

"I agree." After about 30 more minutes of talking, they had to head out.

"Umm— so?"



"I still love you. I know that's really sudden but I wanted to tell you."

"I still love you too." We both smiled before kissing again. "I missed this. A lot."

"Me too." He pulled me up and walked me to my room, unbuckling my belt. We plopped down and quickly undressed each other. Once I was only in my boxers, I paused.



"I don't have a— wait." I got up and walked to Rachel's room, walking back with her condoms box. Blaine laughed and grabbed one as I tossed the container.

I plopped down next to Blaine and tried catching my breath. Not sure if it's that he got better or the fact we hadn't had sex in years but— wow. I sat up which caused him to do the same.

"Your hair is always cute after sex." I laughed and looked in my mirror.


"Yes, exactly." I looked at him and smiled, giving him a kiss. "I should probably head out soon. I have a meeting."

"Okay." We both got dressed and he left after we talked for a few seconds.

That night, I was in bed writing an essay that was due soon. Rachel and Santana got back from work and Rachel walked to my room.

"Hey! Did you have fun with Blaine?" I nodded before writing something in my notebook and typing a sentence. "Okay then." She started turning around before she froze and smiled.


"Uhh—" She walked towards me, still smiling, and grabbed the condom box off my nightstand.

"Oh. That was uhh—" I shut my computer and set my things to the side.

"You're caught. Stop thinking of excuses."

"Don't tell Santana when she gets out of the bathroom. Please."

"I won't. Just glad I could help."

"Shut up."

"And if you ever use the last one, tell me so I can be prepared if your brother comes into town." I grimaced and nodded.

"Disgusting but okay." She laughed and shut my curtain. I shoved my face in my pillow and quietly groaned.

The next day I arrived at work and ran up to Haley, smiling.

"Why are you so happy?"

"You won't believe what happened."


"Last night Blaine and I had sex and it was like— oh my god." She smiled and tried holding in her laugh.

"You might want to stop talking." She said, looking behind me. I glanced back before gasping and covering my mouth.

"Oh my god. Please tell me I'm having a nightmare."

"No but I'm enjoying this." I then turned completely and saw Blaines smiling face.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Glad you had fun." He said, laughing.

"You have an apron on..."

"Yeah. Haley is training me. We get to be coworkers." I nodded. "Anyways, I'm going to go to the restroom real quick."

"Okay." He walked away and I mouthed 'oh my god' to Haley who finally let her laugh out. "God, even his laugh is sexy as fuck." Haley laughed at me.

"Okay. Calm down before Blaine gets back."

"Got it." Blaine and I got back together and I was basically just the happiest I could be. We were perfect together and everyone knew. Hopefully it would last this time.

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