Chapter 26 (Epilogue)

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5 years ago...

"You excited for dinner later?" Blaine asked me.

"Uhh— yes!" He laughed and gave me a kiss.

"Good." My dad walked in the room and smiled at us on my bed.

"Lunch is ready." I got up and ran downstairs as my dad started laughing.

"He acts like he is still a kid." Blaine nodded and laughed as he got up and followed, walking. I got downstairs and sat next to him, taking a sip of his water.

"EWWW!!!" Finn yelled.

"What?" I asked.

"That's gross!"

"Do you kiss Rachel?"


"Same thing."

"No cause there's like backwash so it's more saliva than kissing."

"Do you French kiss her?"

"I don't feel comfortable talking any more."

"Cause you know I'm right."

"Shut up. Why are you even here?"

"Because I want to be with my boyfriend."

"Can't you hang out at your house?"

"FINN! Stop being rude!!" Carole said.

"Yeah Finn. First of all, we were just at his house and sometimes his mom needs quiet. Second of all, you like Blaine so stop being mean."

"Not when he proves me wrong."


"I don't care. I've heard worse. You're forgetting I had an abusive dad."

"That got dark real quick." Finn said.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes and kept eating as Blaine started eating. That night at dinner, Finn, Blaine, and I headed to Breadstix. We arrived and found a table with all of our friends.

"Hey guys!" Rachel said.

"You're late." Santana said.

"Sorry." I said, putting my hands up.

"Whatever. Let's order." I laughed as we got the waiters attention. We talked all night about a variety of things. We were just happy to be together with everyone. At least Blaine and I were. Dinner was great and we got to catch up with everyone. We all headed to my house afterwards and even Pam and Cooper came over. The adults all talked in the kitchen as everyone else was in the living room. Dad and Carole got everyone drinks, which I was now careful of how much I had, and we sat down.

"I actually have a toast." Blaine said. Everyone from the kitchen walked in and looked as Blaine stood up. I clapped and smiled as I looked up at him. "I just want to say how much I love my amazing boyfriend. Uhh— we have been dating for a little over 5 years after 2 years of dating. So technically 7." I laughed. "We have been through thick and thin but made it through in the end. You're always here for me. When I needed you at the custody trial, you were there. No matter what happened over the years, you were so caring and just— there. I appreciate everything and love you more than I've loved anyone ever." I got up and kissed him.

"Get a room!" Cooper yelled, joking. Pam nudged him as Blaine reached and dad handed him a box. Everyone gasped except the people who knew, Burt, Carole, and Pam. I dropped my mouth open as he got to one knee and opened it, looking up at me.

"I love you so much Kurt and want to spend the rest of my life with you which is why I'm asking— will you marry me?" I wiped my face and nodded.

"Yeah." Hs stood up and put the ring on my finger before we kissed again. "I love you Blaine Anderson." He smiled and gave me a hug as everyone cheered and clapped. Afterwards, I walked over to our parents.

"Did you know?" Dad, Carole, and Pam nodded.

"I didn't!" Cooper said. "Either way, glad you're gonna be part of the family!" He gave me a hug but I wasn't sure what to do since he's never hugged me and it was weird. Blaine laughed at me.

"Okay." Pam hugged me too which I did return.

"You know you're my favorite person outside our family." I laughed. "AND NOW YOU WILL BE FAMILY! Legally at least."

"Yeah. I'm excited!" She smiled before I walked to my dad.

"Congrats bud!"


"You do need to stop growing up so fast though."

"I know." We both smiled as Blaine walked over. Dad and Carole both gave him a hug before he had to talk to me.

"So where are we staying tonight?" I shrugged. "Okay. That's helpful." I chuckled.

"Sorry. How about your place?"


We headed to his house that night and went to his room to get in pajamas.

"I'm going to take a bath." I said, walking into the bathroom. The door opened a second later and Blaine was pulling his pants down. I laughed and turned on the water.

"You joining?"

"Uhh ya!"

"Okay." I got in first but Blaine got in shortly after. Our hands rested on the edges and we just relaxed in the bubbles.

"So, did you have fun today?"

"Yeah, I did." I kissed his cheek from behind before moving to his neck.

"Blaine?" The bathroom door opened and I looked over.

"Seriously Cooper?"

"I have a serious question."

"Couldn't wait till we were out?"

"No but you have bubbles so you're okay." I rolled my eyes as Blaine leaned forwards and looked back.

"What Coop?"

"Do you guys want pizza?" He looked at me but I shook my head.

"We're okay." Pam then came in and looked confused. "Oh my god! It's like a party in here."

"Why is Cooper in here?"

"He had a serious question about pizza."

"Cooper! You couldn't have waited?"

"Listen. Mom wasn't going to get it until I asked and I'm starving."


"Anyways, enjoy your bath." He said, leaving. Pam left too and shut the door. We both started laughing before he sat back again.

"I love you babe." I said.

"I love you too!" I was so happy to be marrying him and I knew our life would turn out amazing. He's a great guy and we are just perfect! I can't wait to see what the future brings.


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