Chapter 11

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I pulled up to a house and helped Blaine with a few bags. He took some as well as we went to the door and knocked.

"Hey hon!" His mom said as she opened it.

"Hey mom! Thanks for letting me stay here."

"I'm not sending you home to your father. He was pretty pissed you weren't going there though."

"He had it coming for him." She laughed and grabbed some bags from my hands.

"Come in." We both stepped in and looked around.

"Nice place mom."

"Thanks. My friend is letting me stay here until I can rent a place. It's her like third house so she doesn't really care." We both laughed.


"Anyways, let me show you to your room."

"Babe. I'm going to go." He nodded and gave me a kiss.

"I'll see you in a little."

"Okay. Bye!" We waved and I left as he followed his mom.

I arrived at home and saw Finn run outside. I got out and he gave me a hug as our parents came out too.

"I missed you! It's not the same around here when you're there."

"I missed you too!" I said, laughing. I then gave dad and Carole hugs before we all took my bags to my room. We then all walked downstairs and to the living room.

"Dad, I am going to a party on New Years if that's okay."

"Finn already told me about it. That's fine!" I nodded and sat down. The doorbell rang and after I stood, it sounded again, over and over as I walked to the door.

"Holy moly! Stop with the doorbell." I said as I opened the door. Rachel was standing there and started squealing, jumping into my arms. "Oh, it's just you." She laughed.

"I missed you so much! Schools not the same with you gone. I mean, as long as you're as happy as I've seen you then I'm okay."

"I missed you too. Come in." She walked in and headed to the living room with him.

"Are you still mad at Kurt?" Finn asked as we entered the room.

"Finn, shut up." I said, in fear of my dad finding out what was up.

"No I'm not. How do you even know I was mad?"

"I heard your conversation and now the whole glee club knows Kurt not a—" I jumped on the couch next to him and covered his mouth before he finished.

"Kurt's not a what?" My dad asked.

"Burt, leave it alone." Carole said.

"Why?" He looked at her then at me. "Ohh..." Dad better not actually know or I think I might die of embarrassment. I went upstairs with Rachel just incase and we talked for a bit. She made me tell her everything so I did. She was over until late and I went to bed basically right as she left.

Blaines POV
As my mom and I went into my temporary room, she set my bags on the bed.

"Do you want help unpacking before we eat dinner?"

"Sure and Kurt and I got food on our way so I'm okay."

"Alright." She opened a bag and looked at me. "How is that?"


"You and Kurt."

"It's amazing! He's a great guy and I really like him." She smiled at me. "Also, his family is super nice too. When Kurt comes to dinner with us one day, his parents and step brother should come too."

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